Linux Privacy - Page 23
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
A majority of European Internet users expect companies to ask for permission to track their activities online using cookies, privacy management company Truste said Thursday. But despite the 2009 introduction of the European Union's so-called cookie directive requiring just that, only a small minority of websites ask for visitors' consent, according to a survey by the company.
Not long after I began writing about cybersecurity, I became a paranoid caricature of my former self. It's hard to maintain peace of mind when hackers remind me every day, all day, just how easy it is to steal my personal data.
AT&T continues to breach net-neutrality regulations despite an announcement that it would begin offering Apple
Traffic-light tickets have ticked off a gazillion drivers, some of whom have had to fork over $500 for running a light. Now there
Security is not just about strong encryption, good anti-virus software, or techniques like two-factor authentication. It
Law enforcement authorities in the U.S. still need a warrant to listen in on your phone calls or to read your emails and text messages. But they don't need your permission or a warrant to track who you call, who calls you, who you text, email or vice versa. Plus, your activities on social media sites like Facebook are also fair game -- all in real time.
Developed by Robert Templeman at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Indiana and a few buddies from Indiana University, PlaceRader hijacks your phone's camera and takes a series of secret photographs, recording the time, and the phone's orientation and location with each shot.
Smartphone arrogance is something I can tolerate. But I can't stand smart alecs who think their smart devices are absolutely secure.
The Justice Department use of warrantless internet and telephone surveillance methods known as pen register and trap-and-trace has exploded in the last decade, according to government documents the American Civil Liberties obtained via a Freedom of Information Act claim.
The he-said, she-said banter may end soon about whether AT&T is breaching so-called net neutrality rules by limiting the use of iPhone
Privacy and consumer groups are urging a federal judge to sign off on a controversial Facebook settlement over its
The US government demands more data from Twitter than any other nation, the micro-blogging website has revealed.
Backdoored versions of a widely used privacy tool have surfaced in Iran, raising fears that its government is using the Trojanised software to spy on its citizens.
The FBI has been lobbying top internet companies like Yahoo and Google to support a proposal that would force them to provide backdoors for government surveillance, according to CNET.
While the Internet has been bristling with anger over the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, the Internet industry has been either silent or quietly supportive of the controversial bill. With one exception.
An Internet privacy advocacy group wants the Federal Communications Commission to release the full report of its investigation of Google Street View's collection and storage of data from unencrypted wireless networks.
Security expert Wolfgang Ettlinger has discovered a vulnerability in the Austrian Citizen Card that allows attackers to spoof the credentials of their victims. This is the second time the card has been hacked.
To prevent the Tor traffic from being recognized by anyone analyzing the network flow, SkypeMorph uses what's known as traffic shaping to convert Tor packets into User Datagram Protocol packets, as used by Skype. The traffic shaping also mimics the sizes and timings of packets produced by normal Skype video conversations. As a result, outsiders observing the traffic between the end user and the bridge see data that looks identical to a Skype video conversation.