1 - 2 min read
Apr 14, 2011
A new week, a new rash of attacks against security vendors, email marketers and banks. It would be easy to point fingers and laugh at the irony, especially in the case of security vendors, but that would be both petty and shortsighted.
The stark reality is that security breaches can, will and do happen to everyone. For every security control and process we put in place, somewhere else there's a vulnerability, a weakness, an untrained employee or a path of least resistance for an attack. All the point solutions in the world are not going to make us any more secure. What we desperately need is a new model for integrating security solutions across vendors, across devices, across operating systems and across the globe.
Companies today are faced with a fundamental security conundrum. Their networks, applications and end-user devices are made up of a patchwork of dozens if not hundreds of vendor solutions. Each vendor may offer security features in their apps, security appliances, or even an entire range of security solutions. None of them really interoperate with any of the other vendors' security solutions (not unless you consider LDAP and syslog to be interoperability). None of them work on other vendor network devices.
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