Server Security - Page 27

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Flaws found in IE, Mozilla, name it...


That seemed to be Wednesday's lesson from security information provider Secunia for the developers of the major internet browsers. The company released information on two common security issues with the tabbed browsing feature found in several flavours of the Mozilla Foundation's browsers, the Opera browser, the Konqueror browser for Linux and two third-party plug-ins that add the feature to Microsoft's Internet Explorer. . . .

SSH Host Key Protection


This is the first in a series of articles on SSH in-depth. We start with looking at standard SSH host keys by examining the verification process to ensure you have not been the victim of an attack. . . .

Security breach hits Kerberos software


Massachusetts Institute of Technology officials have issued security warnings regarding two serious vulnerabilities in the Kerberos computer authentication software, which is regularly used by Dartmouth and many other universities and businesses. . . .

Security flaws found in RealPlayer


EEye Digital Security has uncovered new security holes affecting a wide range of RealNetworks' media players, the latest desktop-based bugs set to worry IT managers. The flaws could be exploited via a malicious webpage or a RealMedia file run from a local drive to take over a user's system or delete files, according to RealNetworks. . . .

Safe Databases Are Key to Security


Those of you hung over from patching Windows XP SP2 can't sleep in just yet. More than 40 vulnerabilities have been reported for Oracle's flagship software products. Holes in the Database Server and its Listener element can . . .

More big security holes in Linux


Open-source developers have warned of serious security holes in two Linux components that could allow attackers to take over a system by tricking a user into viewing a specially-crafted image file or opening an archive. Patches exist for the bugs, which affect LHA and imlib. . . .

Sender ID loses open source support


Apache Software Foundation among developers shunning Microsoft anti-spam measure. Opposition to Microsoft's Sender ID anti-spam email scheme is growing in the open source community, which is complaining about the software giant's licensing terms. . . .