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Security Flaw Found In Multiple Linux Distro


iDEFENSE has discovered a flaw in Xpdf, an open-source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files included in most Linux distros. iDEFENSE has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability in version 3.00 of xpdf. It is suspected that previous versions may also be vulnerable. Remote exploitation of the buffer overflow vulnerability in the xpdf PDF viewer could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code as the user viewing a PDF file.

Detecting Kernel-level Compromises With gdb


This article is intended to outline useful ways of detecting hidden modifications to a Linux kernel. Often known as a rootkit, this stealthy type of malware gets installed in the kernel of an operating system and requires special techniques by Incident handlers and Linux system administrators to be detected. . . .

Security: Mac OS X Good, Linux Bad


At the end of the day this isn't about which OS is best. And it isn't about security through obscurity. OS makers need to continue to strive for perfection, for multiple layers of protection, to block hackers from gaining the ultimate prize of full control of resources and to include alerting and management tools which make monitoring penetrations easier and which make dealing with them less of a chore. . . .

Mac OS X, BSD Unix top security survey


London-based mi2g Intelligence Unit on Tuesday released a report that says Mac OS X and Berkeley Standard Derivative (BSD) Unix are the "world's safest and most secure 24/7 online computing environments." Linux operating systems offer the worst track record, according to mi2g, with Windows coming in second. . . .

Service-oriented hype to meet hard realities


Hype alone would have IT executives believe that in coming years service-oriented architectures will be as standard within companies as morning coffee. But network professionals and industry analysts say it won't be that easy, because SOA is something you build, not buy.< . . .

MySQL calls open source database enterprise-ready


The upgrade features advanced querying capabilities through subqueries, faster and more flexible client-server communication, and new installation and configuration tools. Security also is improved and support has been added for international character sets and geographic data, the company said. . . .