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Why a hard drive RAID array can save your bacon


How valuable is your data? If your storage drive crashed, would it ruin your day? Your week? Your entire career? Only you can answer those questions for yourself and your organization. But I'll tell you, personally, I need my files -- not only to get my day-to-day job done, but to reference older information and even look at personal keepsakes (like all my digital photos).

Why are there still so many website vulnerabilities?


The cracks in the armor of most enterprise websites are many including recurring holes in OpenSSL, PHP, and WordPress and are largely due to a combination of extensive customizations paired with a shortage of testing and fixing of vulnerabilities when compared with that of long-standing commercial OS software.

Clinton's Homebrew E-Mail Server: Risky or Genius?


No, it's not always a room filled with wires and glowing blue lights. It's probably not even the size of your furnace. The personal email server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her time as secretary of state was probably about the size of your office desktop computer and could have been tucked quietly in a corner somewhere.

No, Lizard Squad Was Not Responsible For Facebook Outage


Contrary to suggestions hacker group Lizard Squad took out Facebook, there was almost certainly no attack on the social network and its photo sharing property Instagram, which both went down late last night. According to a source with knowledge of the matter, the downtime was the result of a technical foul up. Facebook is now confirming this in statements to media.

Lavabit founder wants to make


Ladar Levison is probably most well-known to Ars readers as the founder of the secure e-mail service Lavabit, which he shut down in mid-2013 in an effort to avoid being forced to comply with a US government demand to turn over users

CloudFlare Rolls Out Free SSL


In a move that will essentially double the number of SSL-protected sites on the Web in the space of 24 hours, CloudFlare on Monday said that it was enabling SSL for all of its more than two million customers for free.