Server Security - Page 42
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
Jail chroots an environment and sets certain restrictions on processes which are forked from within. For example, a jailed process cannot affect processes outside of the jail, utilize certain system calls, or inflict any damage on the main computer. Jail is . . .
This article discusses a network setup which might prove useful for people who like to put some extra effort into connecting their machines to the Internet. The goal is to build a secure client and server farm on a single IP address.. . .
RSBAC is a flexible, powerful and fast open source access control framework for current Linux kernels, which has been in stable production use for over a year (since version 1.0.9a). The standard package includes a range of access control models like MAC, RC, and ACL . . .
After project leaders pan vulnerability assessment, a Back Orifice demonstration quells the skeptics. My company is about to deploy a virtual private network (VPN). During a recent project meeting, the project manager asked each department representative to identify six tasks related . . .
Anti-virus software for FreeBSD is not a common thought to most FreeBSD administrators. However, if you're like me, most of my networks are Windows 2000/NT on the workstations, and FreeBSD on the servers. This means that the average user can download . . .
Security experts and vendors of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems are urging network administrators to replace some versions of popular e-mail server software known as Sendmail, because the most recent open-source versions can provide a doorway for local hackers.. . .
Sendmail contains an input validation error, may lead to the execution of arbitrary code with elevated privileges. Local users may be able to write arbitrary data to process memory, possibly allowing the execution of code/commands with elevated privileges.. . .
codeRedKiller is a simple concept that truly can help conserve resources. It saves time and energy (bandwidth and cpu power, etc) by automatically identifying and dropping requests from CodeRed infected hosts. Its goals are to stop CodeRed requests to apache webservers . . .
One of the most common uses of network systems is for e-mail-based communications. As such, a great deal of attention has been given to securing e-mail systems. However, most of this focus has been in two areas: security at the message . . .
A nice account of the costs associated with attacks and computer security. " The threat from computer crimes and other online security breaches has barely slowed, never mind stopped, according to a recent survey of 538 security professionals in U.S. corporations . . .
A security flaw involving the server software that allows Quake III players to play the popular shoot-them-up over a network has been reported. According to a posting on respected security mailing list BugTraq, a buffer overflow vulnerability in Quake III Arena . . .
The focus of Internet security is to ensure private, authenticated communications between parties over the Internet or Intranets. Many of the security requirements are not that different from the requirements within a closed system complex. A closed system complex, however, may . . .
The Apache Software Foundation Inc.'s Apache HTTP Server has earned what many hope for and few achieve: an enviable security reputation. This achievement is especially striking when contrasted with Microsoft Corp.'s IIS (Internet Information Services) Web server (see story), which has . . .
This article is a link to the contents of DNS Security Chapter of the O'Reilly DNS book. Why should you care about DNS security? Why go to the trouble of securing a service that mostly maps names to addresses? Let us . . .
Patrick Mullen writes, "The Duke of URL has just posted its review of EnGarde Secure Linux 1.0.1. EnGarde Secure Linux is a unique brand of Linux with a focus on security, e-commerece, and servers. The review covers installation, its interface, and more.". . .
Hardening BSD is definitely trickier than hardening a Linux based workstation being that the top 3 distributions of BSD, Net, Open, Free, have done an excellent job of strengthening the systems on their own. Using FreeBSD at home while I write . . .
Economic conditions and an apparent decision to start a fee-based service will force access to MAPS services to cease. A post from to the newsgroup has started some controversy over MAPS' intentions, finding replacements for their service, and basically what should be done next.. . .
The following article tries to explain how to use PHP on your server in a secure manner. This includes how to safely install it, remove samples and set up security specific options. It is very important to make sure that the . . .
Emily Ratliff posted a summary of the recent USENIX "Birds of a Feather" (BOF) discussion about the Linux Security Module effort. This effort is trying to devise a set of Linux kernel hooks to support "plugging in" to Linux support for advanced security policies.. . .
Now, in this short series of articles, I'm going to delve deeper into Linux security and discuss protective measures such as VPN systems and tripwire. Even though I'm aware of the many different security analysis tools out there, I'm not experienced . . .