Server Security - Page 45
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
Trevor Warren writes: "This second article in the series takes you through TCP wrappers, OpenSSH, disabling unnecessary services and better monitoring of system activity by using unique log files to monitor specific information."
This is the first-part in a series of articles about different options for secure file transfers. I won't cover how to sniff connections, steal passwords or if SSH is really "secure". But hopefully, I can provide some information that will be . . .
Fewer than half of blue-chip companies believe that their ebusiness and security strategies are effectively coordinated. Business managers are guilty of demanding ebusiness at all costs and security is overlooked, according to research by analyst group Xephon. . . .
Borland's InterBase database software contains a "back door" that allows anyone with the appropriate password to wreak major havoc with the database and the computer it's running on, security experts said. A back door is an undocumented way to get access . . .
The U.S. National Security Agency last week publicly released a prototype "security-enhanced Linux" operating system, hoping to attract the developer community to find ways to improve Linux security for business and governmental uses. So how is the developer community reacting so . . .
A potential threat to ecommerce sites has been identified with the discovery of the first virus using the hypertext preprocessor (PHP) scripting language. PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages and is used to develop ecommerce sites and those . . .
This article, based on a recent report, doesn't mention how many hacked sites were due to default passwords, poor administration, etc. The numbers couldn't possibly be not telling the whole story now, could they. "The year 2000 saw Windows NT . . .
Don't look now, but e-business is growing webbed feet. E-commerce, e-procurement networks, B2B partnerships, e-marketplaces--they're all ripe for exploitation by Linux, the upstart OS sporting the penguin logo. Linux is already a force in Web serving, Internet security and e-mail, both . . .
The newly formed Center for Internet Security hopes to answer that question by creating a suite of tests that would give computer owners a rating--on a scale of 1 to 10--of how good their security is. A level-10 server could protect . . .
An esoteric buffer overflow bug in OpenBSD has been upgraded in importance after it was discovered that, in certain conditions, it could allow a cracker to gain remote access to a server. Users are recommended to apply a patch to fix . . .
25 Ways to make your webserver more secure is a simple and short text that contains some principles to get a real world secure server.
When hackers plan to break into Websites, they first try to find out which operating system the site is using. Once they determines that and which services are running, their chances of successfully attacking a system are greatly increased. What can . . .
BSD/OS is often considered a "secure" operating system. I often see ISPs and website hosting companies prominently brag that their servers are secure because they run BSDi's operating system. BSDi itself often promotes itself by saying it continues the BSD tradition . . .
With ``e-commerce'' becoming an important part of many businesses, it's useful to know how to set up your server to run SSL for secure transfer of sensitive information. This article starts with a description of SSL and talks about implementing OpenSSL.. . .
RSBAC is an open source security extension for current Linux kernels. It is based on the Generalized Framework for Access Control (GFAC) by Abrams and LaPadula and provides a flexible system of access control based on several modules.. . .
There is practically no information available online regarding DHCP security. This is odd, considering the ubiquity of DHCP servers on most networks. Unlike BIND, the ISC DHCP server does not have command line options to chroot the . . .
Secure Shell (SSH) was built to address these faults and provide a more secure environment to work in. SSH encrypts all your traffic including your passwords when you connect to another machine over the net. SSH also replaces telnet, ftp, rsh, . . .
With the peak online holiday buying season just around the corner, Internet security experts are urging U.S. companies to enhance their security posture in light of recent threats made by hacker groups in the Middle East to launch an electronic holy . . .
ISC has discovered (or has been notified of) eight bugs which can result in vulnerabilities of varying levels of severity in BIND as distributed by ISC. Upgrading to BIND version 8.2.2 patchlevel 7, or higher, is strongly recommended for all users . . .
Here's a great guide to reducing the risk of spam using sendmail. Additional information includes DNS blacklists, spam filters and procmail, securing identd, and more. "A properly configured BSD mail server can protect users from spam and Trojan horses while rejecting . . .