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Maximizing Apache Server Security


An extensive article on Apache security. ... However, does "free" come at a price when it comes to security? It doesn't have to. The diligent network manager will quickly recognize the advantages of choosing a platform that is field-tested on . . .

Smart card accepted at portal


Pulsar Data Systems Inc. on Tuesday unveiled its secure e-commerce portal,, which uses smart cards to enable agencies to purchase information technology products. Pulsar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Internet data security company Litronic Inc., announced the smart card feature, . . .

Unix Security Holes


The hottest trend these days in network intrusion is to exploit buffer overruns, a technique where-by you feed a program more data than it has allocated, overwriting the memory in the hope of making the program do something it would normally . . .

Securing Sendmail


This two-part series on securing sendmail, based on the tutorial given by Eric Allman and Greg Shapiro at the recent USENIX technical conference in San Diego, begins by detailing the measures you can take to secure any sendmail installation. It continues . . .

Securing Apache for AllCommerce


Tips on securing apache for use with virtual hosts. "There is no best way to do this except to be paranoid about every detail, pay attention to security alerts and trust no one. Fortunately, Apache has some recommendations. Here is how . . .

Securing Your Web Pages with Apache


This article discusses the various security mechanisms for apache. "... But what's all this noise about 'discretionary' and 'mandatory,' you ask? Put simply, discretionary control (DAC) mechanisms check the validity of the credentials given them at the discretion of the . . .

BIND 8.2.x Overflow Vulnerability


Here is an information bulletin that was issues by CIAC last Tuesday. It covers a BIND buffer overflow that exists in 8.2, 8.2.1 and 8.2.2. Here CIAC explains how the exploit works, "The exploit requires two systems to be . . .

Linux Kernel Security Bug Discovered


A serious bug has been discovered in the Linux kernel that can be used by local users to gain root access. The problem, a vulnerability in the Linux kernel capability model, exists in kernel versions up to and including version 2.2.15. According to Alan Cox, a key member of the Linux developer community, "It will affect programs that drop setuid state and rely on losing saved setuid, even those that check that the setuid call succeeded."To ensure that this vulnerability cannot be exploited by programs running on Linux, Linux users are advised to update to kernel version 2.2.16 immediately. Information on "capabilities" are discussed in the Capabilities FAQ We also recently ran a story on a capabilities-based operating system that is worth reading.