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Kaspersky Lab Boosts Linux Mail Security


Kaspersky Lab ZAO gave its Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server a few strong tweaks in the security area with an update that bolsters protection against spam and malware spread by e-mail, giving the channel a competitive edge when breaking into growing open-source security niches.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Secure-Ready for Government Cloud


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, including the KVM hypervisor, has been awarded a major security certification used by IT in government, financial and other mission-critical verticals. By receiving the Common Criteria Certification at Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 4+, which is the highest level of assurance for an unmodified commercial operating system, Red Hat can assure public sector customers looking at cloud and virtualization will meet a range of important security assurance requirements.

Ruby update fixes hash flooding vulnerability


The Ruby developers have released an update to the 1.9.3 series of their open source programming language, fixing a denial-of-service vulnerability. Ruby 1.9.3 patch level 327, labelled 1.9.3-p327, corrects a hash-flooding issue that could be exploited by an attacker to cause a high CPU load that can result in a denial-of-service.

Dell Adds Security To Virtualized Government Environments


Dell is introducing new desktop virtualization solutions (DVS) designed specifically for government customers, intended to facilitate telework and manage security challenges unique to government users. The introduction of these products for the government space is part of Dell's broader virtualization announcement.

Double security for Flash under Linux


Chrome version 20 represents a major step forward for the security of the Google browser, at least for Linux users, for whom this has often been a somewhat neglected area. It introduces a new sandbox concept which precisely regulates and filters the system calls a process is able to make.

CloudLinux Enhances Shared Hosting Security


Cloud Linux Inc., an innovative software company serving the needs of hosting service providers, has released CageFS Version 3.5. This new version of the software features dramatic improvements in security for shared hosting companies. CageFS is a virtual file system that encapsulates each shared hosting customer in its own private virtual space.

Security problem in VMware vSphere 5


Security experts from ERNW have demonstrated the ability to break out of the virtualisation hypervisor of VMware ESXi 5.0 using crafted VMware images. If a provider offers customers the ability to run customer-supplied VMware images on its servers as part of an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offering, a malicious user could access all data on the server, including other customers' user passwords and virtual machines.