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Mozilla to auto-upgrade Firefox 3.6 users to version 12


Soon, users running Firefox 3.6.x will start being automatically upgraded to the current version 12.0 release of the open source web browser. The plan to auto-update these users has been being discussed since the end of March, when Mozilla Release Manager Alex Keybl proposed the move on a Mozilla planning discussion thread.

Joomla! 2.5.4 closes more security holes


Two weeks after its last security update, the Joomla! project has published another update to the 2.5.x branch of its open source content management system (CMS) which addresses two vulnerabilities. Version 2.5.4 of Joomla! closes an information disclosure hole that allowed unauthorised access to administrative information and fixes a problem that could have been exploited by an attacker to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Versions 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 are affected.

Google extends secure search


Over a year ago, a little Firefox add-on program called Firesheep showed just how easy it was to snoop on people on the same Wi-Fi network. Since then, more and more Web sites, like Facebook and Twitter, are securing their Web sites by default. Now, Google is continuing its own push into making its search sites more secure.

Cracking Open Google Wallet


It turns out that stealing someone's Google Wallet funds isn't that much more difficult than stealing that person's actual wallet, according to a few recently publicized exploits. "I think these types of vulnerabilities threaten to kill the adoption of NFC before it is even fully born," said the Yankee Group's Carl D. Howe. "All forms of mobile payment rely on being able to trust the payment system."