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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
The Spamhaus Project has debuted a new whitelisting service that is designed to be the inverse of the way that most approved-sender lists work. The Spamhaus Whitelist will exclude by default any IP address or domain that sends marketing or soliciting mail at all and will require domain owners to have an inviation in order to join the whitelist.
One day after it released updates for its Firefox web browser, the Mozilla Project has issued versions 3.1.4 and 3.0.8 of Thunderbird, the latest stable and legacy branch updates of its popular open source email client. According to the developers, the latest maintenance updates improve the applications overall stability and address several user experience concerns found in the previous stable branch release.
Commercial operating system maker Novell is close to selling itself off after breaking it into two bits, according to the is New York Post.
Google is updating its stable version of the Chrome browser for Linux, Mac, and Windows, fixing at least nine security vulnerabilities. Only one of the vulnerabilities in Chrome 6.0.472.59 is rated by Google as being "critical" -- the highest threat level Google assigns to vulnerabilities -- although six of the fixes carry a "high" rating, the next-most severe level.
Mozilla, which launched the latest beta of Firefox 4 last week, has started to drop features from the still-under-construction browser.
Mozilla on Tuesday patched 15 vulnerabilities in Firefox, 11 of them labeled critical. One of yesterday's patches addressed a problem found in scores of Windows applications, making Firefox one of the first browsers to be patched against the DLL load hijacking bug that went public three weeks ago.
The race to accelerate browser features continues as Mozilla developers race towards the finish line to get the finished version of the Firefox 4 Web browser out the door.
Mozilla released two new versions of its browser on Tuesday, Firefox 3.6.9 and Firefox 3.5.12, to close 10 critical security vulnerabilities in each and to help Web site operators block a risk called clickjacking. Firefox 3.6.9 is also available from CNET for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Firefox 3.6.9 now supports the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header, which enables web servers to forbid clients from opening downloaded pages in iframes. Clickjacking involves an attacker website inserting a transparent iframe containing, for example, Facebook content under the cursor. Users think they are clicking on the visible web page, but are in fact clicking on elements in the transparent Facebook iframe.
Secunia has updated its Personal Software Inspector (PSI) with the ability to silently download and apply patches from multiple vendors soon after their release. PSI 2.0 is now available in an open beta test,
Google on Monday said that a recent report claiming it failed to patch one-third of the serious bugs in its software had the facts wrong. IBM's X-Force security unit, which released the report last week, acknowledged the error and issued a revised chart that shows Google patched all the vulnerabilities rated "critical" or "high" in its online services.
Ksplice, the technology that allows Linux kernel updates without a reboot, is now free for users of the Fedora distribution. Using Ksplice is like
Back in 2001 Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer called Linux a
The good news is that Web application vulnerabilities during the first two quarters of 2010 represent a smaller percentage (66%) of total commercial application vulnerabilities (4,019) than they did during the latter two quarters of 2009 (82% of 2652).
Hewlett-Packard will acquire Fortify Software to gain possession of its ability to perform analysis on source code to detect security risks and exposures.
The software security sector continues to show vibrant M&A activity, with big companies like Hewlett-Packard trying to become a one-stop shop for all of their customers
Google now offers an extension for Chrome that automates the process of adding the secure Google search site as a search engine to the Chrome 6.x branch. Google SSL Web Search is an extension, still in beta, that works with Chrome 6.0.419.0 and later on Windows and Linux computers.
Flattr, the micropayment startup founded by ex-Pirate Bay associates, has opened to the public today. No longer will you need an invite in order to add the Flattr button to your web site as a publisher or to give support to the sites you visit with real money.
LIGATT Security International, a cyber security company, today announced that their Hacker for Hire service will now be accessible via text messaging. Customers will now be able to text the word "Hacker" to 90210 to receive instant assistance to any cyber security issue they may have. This method is a faster and more effective approach for Hacker for Hire representatives to connect with cyber crime victims.
Modern enterprise security often involves multiple security technologies, including firewall, IPS (define) and antivirus tools, which can't always integrate to provide a broader view of security events and data risks. But with attackers persistently probing a range of enterprise defenses looking for weaknesses, that broader view becomes a must-have.