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PHP 5.2.13 addresses security holes


An update which fixes around 40 bugs is available for the PHP 5.2 development branch. Version 5.2.13 comes highly recommended for all PHP 5.2.x users, as it includes a number of security-related fixes. These include a bug when validating the safe_mode configuration variable in the tempnam() function which arises when the path does not end in /). An open_basedir/safe_mode bypass vulnerability in the session extension has also been fixed.

Less Is More in Google's OS


Most of this article was written on a six-year-old computer running Google's new Chromium OS. "Chromium OS" is the open-source version of the new Chrome OS that Google is developing for netbooks, tablets, and other lightweight machines. It's built from the source code that Google is making widely available, but it runs on standard hardware. Google's Chrome OS, in contrast, is designed to run on a new generation of stripped-down systems.

New attempt to integrate AppArmor into Linux


John Johansen, a developer with commercial Ubuntu sponsor Canonical, has submitted an updated version of the AppArmor security framework to the Linux kernel developers for inspection. Johansen writes that, like the SELinux and Tomoyo solutions already integrated into the kernel, this fourth general posting of AppArmor uses Linux Security Modules (LSM) to hook into the kernel.

Virtualised USB key beats keyloggers


Is this the future of online banking? US company IronKey has come up with a USB drive that can be used to access accounts virtually without involving the operating system or applications that cause so many of today's security problems.

Zero day exploit for Firefox 3.6


Russian security firm Intevydis has made a Windows exploit for a previously unknown security hole in Firefox 3.6 available to its customers. The exploit allows attackers to remotely gain control of a PC. Intevydis develops the commercial VulnDisco add-on for the also commercial Canvas exploit toolkit by vendor Immunity. On the Immunity forum, developer Evgeny Legerov praises his exploit for Windows XP (SP3) and Vista as being quite reliable. The developer says It was an interesting challenge to find the flaw

Mozilla patches critical Firefox bugs


Mozilla on Wednesday patched five vulnerabilities, three of them critical, in older editions of Firefox and in the process extended the support life of Firefox 3.0 by at least one more month. The newest Mozilla browser, Firefox 3.6, already contains the patches.

"Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked


Former U.S. military security specialist Christopher Tarnovsky found a weakness in Infineon's SLE66 CL PE and presented the results of his hack at the Black Hat 2010 computer security conference. The Infineon chip is used in PCs, satellite TV hardware, and gaming consoles to protect secure data.

BitLocker review


BitLocker uses the AES encryption algorithm in cyber-block chaining (CBC) mode with a 128-bit key, combined with the Elephant diffuser for additional disk-encryption-specific security not provided by AES.

TrueCrypt review


If you aren't running Windows 7, or you want to use something other than a Microsoft product (and don't want to spend any money), TrueCrypt from the TrueCrypt Developers Association is pretty hard to beat.

PGP Whole Disk Encryption review


PGP has been around since 2002, but the company's roots go back to 1991, when the code base for Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was developed. Over the years, PGP has become one of the leaders in encryption technologies. The company offers a wide variety of products that help users encrypt data files, e-mails and many other types of data. For the mobile worker and the individual user, PGP Whole Disk Protection is a very good choice for protecting the data on a hard drive.

Mozilla Removes Two Malicious Firefox Add-Ons


Mozilla on Friday said that it had removed two Firefox add-ons from its Web site because they installed malware. "Two add-ons in the experimental section of were found to be containing malware," Mozilla said on its security blog. "These were not originally detected with the anti-malware scanning tools that we have been using. We have since increased the number of scanning tools, and will be taking additional steps to minimize the risk of further incidents."

Google's Android code deleted from Linux kernel


After removing Google's Android driver code from the Linux kernel, Novell Fellow and Linux developer Greg Kroah-Hartman has argued that the mobile OS is incompatible with the project's main tree. Kroah-Hartman deleted the Android drivers on December 11 - Android code is no more as of version 2.6.33 of the kernel release - and yesterday, with a post to his personal blog, he explained the move in detail.

Symbian OS now fully open source


The Symbian Foundation will move forward on Thursday with offering up the full Symbian smartphone platform to open source. The Symbian 3 platform, including applications, middleware, and the kernel itself, will be offered under terms of the Eclipse Public License and other open source licenses. "You can download it, you can modify it," said Larry Berkin, head of global alliances for the foundation. Previously, the kernel was made available via open source.