Thank you for reading the weekly security newsletter. The purpose of this document is to provide our readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headlines. Feature Extras:

Linux and Open Source FAQs: Common Myths and Misconceptions Addressed - LinuxSecurity debunks some common myths and misconceptions regarding open source and Linux by answering a few Linux-related frequently asked questions.

New & Improved LinuxSecurity Site Coming Soon! - After many months of development by a dedicated team of programmers and beta testers, the new LinuxSecurity is almost ready! With an all new look & feel, organizational changes, security events, and additions to our staff, we hope to better serve the Linux and open source community. Although there are many aesthetic improvements, a major part of our development has focused on creating a content structure and backend system that is easy to update.

  POS firm says hackers planted malware on customer networks (Feb 20)

North Country Business Products (NCBP), a Minnesota-based provider of point-of-sale (POS) products, announced a security breach last week. The company said hackers compromised its IT system and later planted POS malware on the network of some of its customers.

  Severe vulnerabilities uncovered in popular password managers (Feb 20)

A new study investigating the true security posture of password storage services has uncovered a swathe of vulnerabilities which can lead to the theft of valuable user credentials -- but this does not mean you should abandon your favorite password manager any time soon.

  A third of all Chrome extensions request access to user data on any site (Feb 22)

More than a third of all Google Chrome extensions ask users for permission to access and read all their data on any website, a recent survey of over 120,000 Chrome extensions has revealed.

  UK Banks Reported 480% More Breaches in 2018 (Feb 25)

The UK's financial services regulator saw the number of data breaches reported to it grow by 480% from 2017 to 2018, according to a new report.