Thank you for reading the weekly security newsletter. The purpose of this document is to provide our readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headlines. Feature Extras:
Linux and Open Source FAQs: Common Myths and Misconceptions Addressed - LinuxSecurity debunks some common myths and misconceptions regarding open source and Linux by answering a few Linux-related frequently asked questions.
New & Improved LinuxSecurity Site Coming Soon! - After many months of development by a dedicated team of programmers and beta testers, the new LinuxSecurity is almost ready! With an all new look & feel, organizational changes, security events, and additions to our staff, we hope to better serve the Linux and open source community. Although there are many aesthetic improvements, a major part of our development has focused on creating a content structure and backend system that is easy to update.
UK Banks Reported 480% More Breaches in 2018 (Feb 25) | ||
ICANN Warns of 'Ongoing and Significant' Attacks Against Internet's DNS Infrastructure (Feb 25) | ||
Wendy’s to pay $50M in data breach settlement (Feb 26) | ||
Judge says Washington state cyberstalking law violates free speech (Feb 26) | ||
Holes in 4G and 5G Networks Could Let Hackers Track Your Location (Feb 27) | ||
Google Chrome zero-day used in the wild to collect user data via PDF files (Feb 28) | ||
FCC Says Gutting ISP Oversight Was Great For Broadband (Feb 27) | ||
Qbot malware's back, and latest strain relies on Visual Basic script to slip into target machines (Mar 1) | ||
Targeted malware attacks against Elasticsearch servers surge (Feb 28) | ||
Hackers have started attacks on Cisco RV110, RV130, and RV215 routers (Mar 3) | ||
Revealed: Facebook’s global lobbying against data privacy laws (Mar 3) | ||
As Trump and Kim Met, North Korean Hackers Hit Over 100 Targets in U.S. and Ally Nations (Mar 4) | ||