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Data and network security is critical for businesses to run smoothly while maintaining customer trust. When users utilize e-commerce websites to purchase products, sign up for services, provide experience feedback, and more, they input information companies would not typically access. Fortunately, internet users are acting more responsibly by only inputting information for businesses whose employees they trust not to exploit the data.

With the right network security toolkits, companies can better protect their information and strengthen their brand image. Cloud security breaches cause negative publicity for organizations, leading customers to doubt a company’s trustworthiness. Fortunately, there are Linux Security patching best practices you can implement to prevent such a risk. This article will discuss data and network security issues, the benefits and implications of stronger cloud security frameworks, and various solutions you can utilize to improve security posture.


What Is Data Security and Why Is It Essential? 

Data security focuses on maintaining computer safety so that threat actors do not compromise sensitive information. Unauthorized users cannot access confidential resources on which they can install malware. Companies with more sensitive data usually create a set of parameters to determine when to delete information before cybercriminals can gain access.

Data security services must understand where the protected information is on a server. Many companies have boatloads of information on their systems, and executives may not know where to find confidential information. As a result, cybercriminals, once hacking a system, have an advantage in combing through all of the information and finding what is useful for their attacks in network security.

What Data Security Statistics and Information Exists?

Server Security Esm W500Although Internet users have been concerned about data and network security since the Internet’s development, the concern spiked in 2005 when physical security data breaches grew more popular. As a result, government agencies and private businesses switched to digital records to reduce risks. However, cybercriminals saw this as an opportunity to create more detrimental attacks focused on abusing exploits in cybersecurity. As a result, data faces more threats as cloud security breaches continue to grow in strength.

In 2023, over five billion online records faced global data breaches across businesses of all sizes and types, from healthcare organizations to education companies to restaurants. A 2023 IBM study learned that data breaches could cost around $4.45 million in 2023, a new record that jumped over fifteen percent in the past three years. To make matters worse, ninety-five percent of the 553 organizations studied experienced more than one cloud security breach.

IT security professionals suggest that their businesses move their assets to the cloud to strengthen data and network security. Such an upgrade can immediately improve security posture with additional safeguards, even if they do not eliminate network security threats. 2023 research indicates that businesses must be cautious that cloud deployments should not leave IT teams with a false sense of security. Thirty-nine percent of respondents experienced cloud security breaches in 2022; only about forty-five percent of these study participants encrypted their content.

Statista performed a worldwide study in 2023 in which they learned that Operating System (OS) cybersecurity vulnerabilities were the top cause of data loss in thirty-six percent of cloud security breaches. A third of consumers in a 2022 study stopped engaging with a company following a data breach. Thirty-six percent of these consumers doubted that all incidents were made known to users, and twenty-three percent did not trust the company with their information.

These statistics and studies demonstrate how detrimental data and network security risks can be to a business. They can severely disrupt business operations and cause system crashes. Companies must understand how to prevent these irreversible effects from compromising consumer trust and confidential data.

What Types of Data and Network Security Should I Know?

IT security teams must take comprehensive approaches to data protection, so they should familiarize themselves with these best practices for cloud security:

  • Encrypting a disk scrambles the data, making it less valuable and inaccessible to unauthorized users. To keep disk information secure, Linux users can install Full Disk Encryption (FDE) or encrypt drive partitions with Tomb, eCryptfs, and Cryptmount.
  • Update Linux Security software automatically with easy configurations to ensure you have a protected server that can combat the newest network security threats circulating in computer security news. Security patching on older servers cannot combat new risks, so installing frequently updated software can stop cybersecurity vulnerabilities before it is too late.
  • Organizations must retain visibility into relevant activities to keep cloud security frameworks robust. Linux provides monitoring options that administrators can configure based on their needs. This customization, granularity, and permission options strengthen security.
  • Businesses should employ security patching to handle web application security vulnerabilities that could permit hacking. Administrators must engage in comprehensive, frequent privacy sandboxing and testing, deploy data encryption methods, and oversee access controls and permissions.
  • 2022 statistics express that eighty-two percent of study participants view the cloud as somewhat secure. Therefore, companies should utilize Multi-Factor Authentication on cloud security frameworks to decrease opportunities for unauthorized cybercriminals to reach and use the cloud. 
  • Spread cloud metadata across several locations so hackers only get a portion of your data if they enter your server. Verify and review cloud provider security practices to ensure you are still content with their services and how they protect your server.

What Common Data Security Risks Do Organizations Face? 

Pentesting Network Security Esm W500IT security teams must maintain awareness about the latest data and network security threats that could cause system crashes, account takeovers, and general compromise. Here are the main issues to be vigilant about:

  • Malware can quickly infiltrate a system, leading to data loss, corruption, and inaccessibility. From 2021 to 2022, Linux faced fifty percent more malware issues.
  • Hackers exploit software and cybersecurity vulnerabilities that have yet to undergo security patching. Linux users can activate automatic updates to prevent these risks.
  • Employees can be insider threats, as they can deploy cloud security breaches that can compromise data. A 2022 study demonstrated that ninety-two percent of attacks in network security resulted from emails sent to the wrong recipient. Linux systems have fire-permission levels that administrators can set so individuals and groups have limited access to sensitive data they can misuse and hack.
  • Email phishing attacks have grown increasingly realistic and convincing, as a 2023 study highlighted a 1265 percent increase in malicious emails since the end of 2022. Researchers blame AI tools like ChatGPT for how hackers could create misleading content faster. Kali Linux is a security professionals tool that simulates phishing attacks to improve security posture through training.
  • Cybercriminals can instigate physical security attacks by stealing devices from unsuspecting strangers. Individuals may leave their phones and laptops on public transit, and cybercriminals can hack sensitive data from these platforms. Location Magic and Prey are compatible network security toolkits that Linux users can implement to track misplaced or stolen devices.

What Techniques and Best Practices Can I Utilize for Data and Network Security?

Companies can improve their security posture and their brand image simply by following a variety of well-known safeguards that can keep data safe and businesses secure. Here are a few of the suggestions we recommend you consider:

  • Set up regular data backups and minimize your risks of lost data. Categorize your data by importance and then protect what is most vital first to avoid downtime and cloud security breaches from impacting your data. Speak with an IT team and other cybersecurity professionals to determine where and how often you should back up data.
  • Implement Two-Factor Authentication as an additional cloud security protection measure. This requires users to input both a password and an additional security code, such as a fingerprint or text message code. Hackers can only access data if they have both pieces of information, reducing the chances of compromised information through cloud security breaches.
  • Security patching on cybersecurity vulnerabilities can keep hackers from exploiting those network security issues and utilizing them to enter your server. Automatic updating on Linux can minimize this data risk.
  • Configure Linux Operating Systems (OS) with ultimate security with the open-source technology that helps thousands of users combat network security threats. Disable external root access to prevent unauthorized access and data loss errors. Ensure that the root account is the only one with a 0 ID, as those with the same number could bypass security and cause severe, detrimental damage to a server.

What Network Security Toolkits Can I Use on Linux?

Linux has various open-source cybersecurity tools companies can implement to safeguard data on top of the best practices we mentioned above. Here are a few helpful network security toolkits we recommend:

  • SELinux is a security enhancement for Linux that increases administrative control over user privileges. Administrators can specify who can read, write, or execute a file while setting data movement rules.
  • ClamAV is a virus-detection service that offers on-demand file scanning. It provides automatic signature updates and is compatible with numerous types of data. 
  • Rkhunter uses online databases with safe files, for example, to check your system for backdoors, rootkits, and local exploits. 
  • Tripwire is a Linux intrusion detection system that provides insight into what is happening on your network so you can act more proactively with that knowledge.
  • Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that scans data traffic and signals so you can spot anomalies more quickly. 

Final Thoughts on the Value of Robust Linux Data and Network Security 

Practicing adequate data security is vital for protecting your business from cloud security breaches that can cause significant downtime and reputational harm. These network security toolkits and best practices can help you keep your organization secure while preventing future attacks in network security.