Linux Hacks & Cracks - Page 51

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Hackers target IPv6


If your IPv6 strategy is to delay implementation as long as you can, you still must address IPv6 security concerns right now. If you plan to deploy IPv6 in a dual-stack configuration with IPv4, you're still not off the hook when it comes to security. And if you think you can simply turn off IPv6, that's not going to fly either.

Bad Security Moon Rising


The cybersecurity world is awash in oceans of porn, blown water pumps and civil liberties rhetoric. Facebook was slammed with an attack recently that left some users reaching for a bottle of eye bleach, while hackers elsewhere apparently were able to temporarily control parts of a small public utility. Meanwhile, the DoJ sought new powers that could impact you if you ever use an assumed name anywhere online.

Will 2012 REALLY be the year of the cyberwar?


The cyberwar discussion is mired in confusion. What defines an act of cyberwar? Is it a sophisticated hack from China or Russia that shuts down the U.S. power grid? Is it a rogue group like Anonymous breaking into government sites? Is it all the spying China has been doing for several years now?

Ruby's RSA crypto bug near miss


The Ruby developers had a near miss with a crypto disaster when an "awful bug" crept into the language's source code development tree. A simple programming error made the library generate RSA keys that caused the encryption mechanism to produce clear text.