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Double Security Whammy, No Patches: Killer SSL DDoS Attack, XML Encryption Broken


The Germans have wreaked all kinds of mass destruction on the security forefront. The hacking group "The Hacker's Choice" released a new THC-SSL-DOS tool that allows a single laptop's DSL connection to take down a server. Other German researchers found a flaw and broke the W3C standard with a serious attack against XML Encryption that works in all cases, including against Microsoft, IBM, Red Hat, Apache and other XLM framework providers.

Mass SQL Injection Attack Hits 1 Million Sites


A mass-injection attack similar to the highly publicized LizaMoon attacks this past spring has infected more than 1 million ASP.NET Web pages, Armorize researchers said today. According to database security experts, the SQL injection technique used in this attack depends on the same sloppy misconfiguration of website servers and back-end databases that led to LizaMoon's infiltration.

DHS: Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation


The hacker collective known as Anonymous has expressed interest in hacking industrial systems that control critical infrastructures, such as gas and oil pipelines, chemical plants and water and sewage treatment facilities, according to a Department of Homeland Security bulletin.

Security firm finds hacker forums offer n00b hackers training, lulz


IT security experts have long loved to troll through hacker forums to gather intelligence on emerging threats and even (as in the ill-fated case of HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr) try to profile the hackers themselves. But as a report from IT security firm Imperva shows, many of the so-called hacker portals out there are more hangouts for newbie hackers (and possibly a few budding FBI informants) looking at how to get started in the game.

Apache hole allows attackers to access internal servers


Security experts at Context have discovered a hole in the Apache web server that allows remote attackers to access internal servers. The mod_rewrite rewrite engine ensures that requests are distributed across different servers according to definable rules, for example, in order to balance loads or to separate dynamic and static content.

Help, help, I'm under attag


Russian VXers have begun using obnoxious barcode-on-steroids QR codes as a launchpad for mobile malware. A recently identified malicious Quick Response code on a Russian website links through a series of redirections to a site punting a Trojan version of the Jimm mobile ICQ client.