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LulzSec comes back to hack The Sun web site


After having stated at the end of June its intention to disband, the hacker group LulzSec has claimed responsibility for hacking the web site of The Sun newspaper, owned by News International. Visitors to the site late on 18 July were redirected to a fake page carrying a news story stating that Rupert Murdoch's body had been discovered after he had apparently committed suicide.

Hackers find security loopholes in Vodafone's network


THC claims it can listen to any call, use other accounts to make calls and access the victim's voice mail. Hackers have claimed that they have successfully re-engineered a standard consumer hardware available from Vodafone store to intercept calls and gain administrator access into other user accounts.

Kevin Mitnick shows how easy it is to hack a phone


British tabloid News of the World said today it is closing down over a phone hacking scandal in which workers for the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper allegedly snooped on voice mail messages left on the mobile phones of murder victims, as well as celebrities, politicians, and the British royal family.

LulzSec Leak Reveals iPhone Apps That Worry Police


Hacker group LulzSec has struck again, this time targeting Arizona law enforcement by releasing thousands of pages of confidential documents and communications presumably acquired in a security breach. Among those documents are several that show law enforcement's special interest in the iPhone and other smart phones.

Hack Attack


So who would you like to hack today? A bank, a website, a corporation or perhaps a government agency that's rubbing you the wrong way? The hacktivist group LulzSec is taking requests. Or maybe you'd like to get your hands on some stolen credit-card accounts to boost your personal spending level or purchase some malware that will divert a business's payments from its vendors to you.

Bitcoin Prices Plummet on Hacked Exchange


The Bitcoin community faced another crisis on Sunday afternoon as the price of the currency on the most popular exchange, Mt.Gox, fell from $17 to pennies in a matter of minutes. Trading was quickly suspended and visitors to the home page were redirected to a statement blaming the crash on a compromised user account. Mt.Gox