Linux Hacks & Cracks - Page 57

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Six new and rising hacker threats


Hackers never sleep, it seems. Just when you think you've battened down the hatches and fully protected yourself or your business from electronic security risks, along comes a new exploit to keep you up at night. It might be an SMS text message with a malevolent payload or a stalker who dogs your every step online.

Update for BIND server patches DoS hole


ISC has published Update 9.8.0-P1 for its BIND DNS server to close a potential denial of service (DoS) hole. Signed server replies (RRSIG) can cause a BIND server to crash under certain circumstances. ISC says that the vulnerability only occurs, however, if the vulnerable server supports response policy zones (RPZs).

Hacker pwns police cruiser and lives to tell tale


As a penetration tester hired to pierce the digital fortresses of Fortune 1000 casinos, banks and energy companies, Kevin Finisterre has hacked electronic cash boxes, geologic-survey equipment, and on more than one occasion, a client's heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system.