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Crackers destroy security mailing list for Linux distributors


The infrastructure of the members-only security mailing list "Vendor-Sec" for open source vendors has been severely damaged according to a post published by Markus Meissner at the OSS Security mailing list. At Vendor-Sec, Linux and BSD distributors discussed undisclosed vulnerabilities in the kernel and open source software. Some of the information was embargoed to give vendors time to close their holes.

WordPress under hacker attack


Readers of Financial Post or National Post blogs might have found them difficult, if not impossible, to access Thursday morning. That is because WordPress, the platform through which every FP and NP blog has been published for the past 10 months, has been under attack by hackers for the past several hours.

How Anonymous hacked the security firm hacker


Even as the FBI was conducting its ongoing campaign of surveillance and armed raids against those of us involved in the Anonymous activist collective, that and other "law enforcement" agencies were simultaneously providing resources and work opportunities to a collection of federal contractors, which were themselves engaged in a variety of reckless and unethical activities to which they are now being held to account by the press, if not the government.

Hackers Penetrate Nasdaq Computers


Hackers have repeatedly penetrated the computer network of the company that runs the Nasdaq Stock Market during the past year, and federal investigators are trying to identify the perpetrators and their purpose, according to people familiar with the matter.