Linux Hacks & Cracks - Page 34

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'Covert Redirect' OAuth flaw more chest-beat than Heartbleed


A recently reported new "vulnerability" in OAuth appears to be anything but. That unkind assessment has come from security specialists after a flaw called "Covert Redirect" made headlines that conflated the flaw with the Heartbleed vulnerability, a major security risk that legitimately sent administrators scrambling to fix their websites.

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines


Unable to breach the computer network at a big oil company, hackers infected with malware the online menu of a Chinese restaurant that was popular with employees. When the workers browsed the menu, they inadvertently downloaded code that gave the attackers a foothold in the business

The Linux security spell is broken


I've been dipping into the coming-technology-overlord-no-more-freedom-apocalypse well quite a bit in recent weeks, so for a change, we'll leave that robot rabbit alone today. Instead, let's turn our attention to the mythical unicorn known as the totally secure Linux server.