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The Future of Car Hacking


The future holds a lot for the motor vehicle, with the beginnings of 3D printing already taking root in households, plenty of Bluetooth gadgets allow greater connectivity with our mobile devices, and new painting coatings provide less work when cleaning. Let's take a look at how you'll be able to hack your car to do even more in the near future.

Zero-day exploits: Separating fact from fiction


Zero-day exploits strike fear into the heart of computer security pros. An active attack, unrecognized by antimalware software and without a ready vendor patch, is harder to deal with than your run-of-the mill security bug. You can't just run a scanner, slap on a patch, high-five your friends, and call it a day.

Shadow IT is undermining your security


Once upon a time, not so long ago, the IT admin chose exactly what hardware and software would be used by employees. Recent trends like the consumerization of IT and BYOD (bring your own device) have shifted the balance of power, but IT still has to maintain some degree of control over the applications used and where sensitive data is stored.

More on Stuxnet


Ralph Langer has written the definitive analysis of Stuxnet: short, popular version, and long, technical version. Stuxnet is not really one weapon, but two. The vast majority of the attention has been paid to Stuxnet's smaller and simpler attack routine -- the one that changes the speeds of the rotors in a centrifuge, which is used to enrich uranium.

The feds' guide to bringing down a hacker from the inside


Earlier this month, Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in the hack of security consultancy Stratfor Global Intelligence. Hammond is the biggest fish to be snared after the FBI managed to turn former top Anon Sabu into a confidential informant. His conviction is a dagger in the side of the struggling hacktivist movement.

Hacker with a Cause


In 2004, a few years before the rise of Anonymous, the notorious online collective of hackers and activists, a seventeen-year-old named Jeremy Hammond gave a talk on