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Anonymous: The secret lives of dangerous hackers


In December 2010 the heat-seeking internet pranksters known as Anonymous attacked PayPal, the online bill-paying business. PayPal had been a conduit for donations to WikiLeaks, the rogue whistle-blower site, until WikiLeaks released a huge cache of State Department internal messages.

Flaw Found in Common Network Security Technology


Network firewall "middlebox" technology could unwittingly help hackers hijack an Internet connection. Middleboxes monitor the "sequence numbers" of data packets being sent to mobile devices. Middleboxes could help hackers use the process of elimination to home in on a number in the right range, then gain access to passwords.

TeamPoison Hacker Suspect Has Anonymous Ties


British police Thursday arrested a suspected member of the TeaMp0isoN hacktivist group. The unnamed 17-year old boy was arrested in the north of England on charges of violating the country's Computer Misuse Act 1990, which is the law in Britain typically used to charge people who are suspected of hacking offenses.

Twitter breached, 50,000 accounts posted to Internet


Twitter is investigating an apparent data breach that resulted in more than 50,000 user names and passwords being posted to the Internet. The data was posted across five pages (one, two, three, four, five) on Pastebin, a favorite site for hackers to post their ill-gotten gains. Ordinarily, when large files are involved, data thieves "tease" their exploits at the site and include a link to a site, like BitTorrent, that supports large file downloads. The maximum file size for Pastebin is 512KB.

The Malicious Hacker's Ever-Sharper Eye


There were an average of 94 targeted cyberattacks per day in November of last year, according to Symantec, and the trend appears to be growing. Targeted attacks are aimed at specific individuals inside an organization based on the information they have access to or the type of work they do. HR professionals, for example, are often targeted since opening email attachments is part of their day-to-day routine.

Who's Afraid of a Big, Bad Hacking Story?


"Security by obscurity does not work, and the more people who know about means of attack/vulnerability, the more secure our IT will be," opined blogger Robert Pogson. "Most people are good and decent and should be empowered to defend their computers and networks. Knowledge is the key."