Linux Network Security - Page 85

Discover Network Security News

White House admits Net privacy snafu


The White House on Wednesday endorsed an Internet industry initiative aimed at boosting online privacy just hours before acknowledging that one of its own Web sites may have violated federal privacy policy.. . .

Network security threats growing


Networks face three vulnerabilities: physical security problems, logical security problems such as computers within a network, and security problems involving people -- all of which should be equally important to businesses, according to a British Telecommunications executive speaking here at InfowarCon Thursday.. . .

Special Report: Privacy on the Internet


My favorite trade mag has a new look. Here's a good (albeit, short) article on network security and privacy. "The Internet is a powerful tool that promises its users many exciting possibilities, including unprecedented access to a vast expanse . . .

False sense of cybersecurity a costly problem for U.S.


The absence of a catastrophic cyberattack against the United States has created a false sense of cybersecurity and has allowed costly Cold War-era Pentagon programs to siphon money from critically needed information technology and security programs, a panel of experts warned last week.. . .

Employees Sue Employer For Firing Over NetBus


Hacker News Network writes, "About a year ago two gentlemen in New Zealand were evaluating Netbus Pro for tech support use, and because of this they were fired by their employer. The employee's own words can be read as well.. . .

AOL: No clues on security breach


America Online Inc. was still investigating an attack by vandals who fooled several company employees to gain access to an undisclosed number of member accounts. So far, however, no clues -- or at least none that the company is ready . . . scrambles to close security hole

data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22, the second-largest domain name registrar, has acknowledged a security problem that could have allowed people to hijack others' Web sites. The problem allowed unauthorized access to the security software and its business partners use to manage Internet site information, . . .

AOL Customer Accounts Hacked


America Online confirmed Friday that some of their employee accounts have been compromised by hackers, and that the accounts were used to gain access to and view details of some personal user accounts. A spokesman for AOL, the largest Internet service . . .

Trust and the System Administrator


Noel writes about some things that a System Administrator should consider about trust when configuring or maintaining a system. "One of the first things many of us think about is the trust we give to the users of our systems. . . .

Privacy — Making it Click


Some Internet advertising companies are watching every click and drag that computer users make at home or in the office, and the Senate is considering doing something to stop it. Jodie Bernstein, director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the . . .

Sub7 vid Trojan can launch distributed attacks


As it turns out, the most recent build of Sub7 contains an undocumented feature which can indeed be used to ping the living hell out of Web servers, from numerous infected clients simultaneously, according to research just completed by security outfit . . .

AOL security breach exposes personal info


America Online has confirmed that hackers have illegally compromised an undisclosed number its member accounts by targeting key company employees with an email virus. AOL spokesman Rich D'Amato declined to comment on how many . . .

IT Directors Under Fire for Poor Security Policies


IT decision makers have come under fire for failing to invest in adequate network security as more companies adopt ecommerce strategies. According to a report by research house Ovum, organisations are increasingly relying on an out-dated approach to security. A . . .

Old security models inadequate for ebusiness


In its report E-Business Security: New Directions and Successful Strategies, Ovum argues that the traditional hierarchy of trust adopted by organisations does not fit the ebusiness model, meaning that access channels, such as mobile devices, could pose a major security threat. . . .

Building a Secure Gateway System


This article explains how to secure a Linux gateway. If you do not have a gateway already setup, it suggest that you read this article. The author assumes that you are already familiar with Linux and currently . . .

Hackers 2000 calls for Net security


HACKERS 2000, a seminar organised by the Trade Fair and Conferences International drew a diverse crowd, from college freshers who boasted about their hacking abilities to old software hands and the presentations were equally diverse. If, Bipin Amin, technology consultant, . . .

The Death of Unencrypted Connections?


Over the last few years "hacker" tools have become much more widespread and available to malicious attackers. Combine this with the ease of getting operating systems - almost anything a corporation has short of a mainframe OS you can download . . .

Estrin Startup to Address Infrastructure Concerns


Judy Estrin thinks it would be easier to battle chonic Internet problems like traffic congestion and virus attacks if the companies working to solve them were free of such pressing concerns as quarterly profits or initial stock offerings. Issues such . . .

Bleak Picture For Internet Security


When it comes to security in the Internet age, the picture is not too pretty. That was the message Bruce Schneier, founder and chief technology officer of Counterpane Internet Security Inc., gave during a session Monday at NetSec2000 conference, held . . .