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6 Questions to Ask Your Cloud Provider Right Now


The cloud is fairly new territory for many organizations and, consequently, it’s an area where mistakes are made stemming from confusion around the role cloud service providers play in security, and how companies should work with them.

Building a new cloud security model


Despite the numerous advantages presented by cloud computing, security is still the biggest factor holding back more widespread adoption by businesses. A recent survey by AlienVault found that an overwhelming 90 percent of organisations are still concerned about cloud security.

Linux botnet observed launching powerful DDoS attacks


Threat actors are leveraging a botnet made up of infected Linux machines to launch powerful distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against as many as 20 targets per day, according to Akamai's Security Intelligence Response Team (SIRT).

How secure is the hybrid cloud?


The term hybrid cloud is used loosely, which is probably why so many companies say they're planning to adopt it. If you’re planning a hybrid cloud strategy, the security questions you need to think about may not be the ones you’d expect. Hybrid cloud is IT’s flavor of the year. The C-level executives in Avanade’s global Hybrid Cloud study are particularly optimistic: 75 percent believe it should be the main area of focus for their company this year; 72 percent expect to adopt hybrid cloud by 2018; and 76 percent expect the majority of their applications and services – including some critical systems like data and analytics, office applications and customer-facing services – will be running in a hybrid cloud environment within three years.

Rackspace cooking up security-secret-sharing cloud cabal


Rackspace is leading an effort to create a new group of top-tier cloud companies that it hopes will share information about security in close to real time. Rackspace chief security officer Brian Kelly today told The Reg at a Sydney event that he feels cloud companies have to take a lead to address security challenges.

10 Security Questions To Ask A Cloud Service Provider


As security teams try to help line-of-business users and other IT practitioners take advantage of cloud benefits as safely as possible, they're increasingly stepping into the role of trusted advisor. The scalability, flexibility, and convenience of software-as-a-service (SaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings frequently come at the cost of added risk to the business.

To Secure Modern Networks: Close The Visibility Gap


Modern networks now go beyond traditional walls to include data centers, endpoints, virtual, mobile and the cloud. These extended networks and their components constantly evolve and span new attack vectors including: mobile devices, web- enabled and mobile applications, hypervisors, social media, web browsers, home computers, and even vehicles.



The core members of a group calling itself