Linux Privacy - Page 49
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
The government has declared that broadband Britain is to become reality by 2005, and that progress towards this target is being made quickly. Oftel, the UK telecoms watchdog, confirmed that the one million broadband connection landmark was reached in October . . .
A staggering 27.3 million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the last five years, according to Federal Trade Commission survey out this week. In the last year alone, 9.9 million people have had their identity purloined. Identity theft . . .
Where privacy is concerned, Americans distrust their government. But they'll gladly hand over their personal information to a corporation to get a deal on their groceries. Europeans, on the other hand, will give their government extremely broad surveillance powers, but they largely forbid private enterprise from accessing any personal data without their express written consent.. . .
As spammers dream up new strategies for slithering into e-mail inboxes worldwide, their counterparts, anti-spam software developers, are always on the lookout for new ways to stop them cold. A bevy of companies think they may have a good answer in . . .
The fight against spam doesn't promise to ring up more revenue or slash the costs of doing business. But make no mistake: Fighting spam has become a priority for most businesses, and the backlash is leaving business-technology execs with no choice. . . .
The Java Anonymous Proxy (JAP) service, a collaborative effort of Dresden University of Technology, Free University Berlin and the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (ICPP), has been allowed to suspend its monitoring of users' IP traffic pending a decision . . .
Elaine submits An overview of today's increasing spam problem, and the measures that organizations are taking to prevent and protect against it. . .
Elaine submits Measuring Up: Evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) of Spam Filtering (PDF). A guide to the factors you should consider when choosing an effective email management and security solution. . . has sued 11 entities in the United States and Canada for forging its domain name in their e-mail spam messages, the company has announced. The lawsuits represent the latest salvo in Amazon's fight to suppress and eradicate such spoofing. . .
Technology is a real time-saver for criminals. They can scam thousands of less-savvy Internet users by sending legitimate-looking PayPal or AOL queries. Mail promising recipients incredible mortgage rates must rake in piles of Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers, and bank . . .
Though spam has attracted the attention of Congress for several years, legislation aimed at stopping its flow has yet to be passed. This year, however, could be different. A total of seven anti-spam bills have been introduced into Congress since . . .
Many documents published online may unintentionally reveal sensitive corporate or personal information, according to a US computer researcher. Simon Byers, at AT&T's research laboratory in the US, was able to unearth hidden information from many thousands of Microsoft Word documents . . .
Identity theft skyrocketed 81% in 2002, a statistic so shocking that it seemed unreal -- until it happened to my sister. Last weekend, she had her wallet pinched. Within six hours, the thieves, clearly professionals, had charged $5,000 to each of . . .
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should lower their monthly fees if they permit spam to reach their paying customers, say researchers at the University of Missouri in Columbia (UMC). In the brave new world of lower access fees in exchange for . . .
Last week in part 1 we looked at some rather extreme measures for keeping that demeritorious duo, spam and viruses, off our servers. Today we'll look at how to secure your users' email clients. The reason for employing layers of security . . .
Spam e-mail has become an ever increasing problem, and these days it is next to impossible to use e-mail without receiving it in large amounts. Various techniques exits to combat the problem; keyword-based filters, source blacklists, signature blacklists, source verification and . . .
Unwanted e-mail advertising has become the latest quality-of-life nuisance -- not unlike squeegee men -- that politicians love to attack. This spring, a consensus on spam seemed to be emerging among House and Senate leaders, Internet service providers and the direct . . .
It was May, 1978. Lauren Weinstein was among those developing an early version of the Internet when an e-mail popped into his box. It was the first spam ever -- a pitch from Digital Equipment Corp. sent, literally, to everyone on . . .
Make no mistake about it -- spam and viruses are deliberate, malicious assaults on our systems that often work together to penetrate and compromise our networks. A popular dirty trick by spammers is to plant malicious code in their spew to . . .
From a spam-viewing perspective, the average citizen, it would seem, is aging, balding, out of shape, impotent, undereducated and has incurred significant credit card debt through online encounters with other lusty members of the human race. . .