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Do No Harm: HIPAA's Role In Preventing ID Theft


With the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy deadline recently passed, most health care providers and plan companies are preparing to implement the final rule for security. While many of these organizations are focused on the lack of budgetary . . .

Give States the Right to Protect Privacy


So far, dozens of consumer and privacy advocates, economists, and corporate executives have testified in the House and Senate. But because it's complex stuff, you probably haven't read much about it in the papers. I've been keeping an eye on the . . .

No one easy way to protect privacy


If enterprises are having problems protecting their customers' privacy, it's because of the same nagging issues facing IT security in general -- a lot of technology solutions attack only part of the problem, and few IT vendors build products with privacy . . .

Cutting Spam Down To Size


How many clever or not-too-clever phrases have been written about people's feelings concerning spam, that is, unwanted commercial e-mail? We'd like to can it, kill it, squash it, fry it and shred it. Yet it still keeps popping up in the . . .

Verizon Divulges Customer Names


Verizon Internet Services has released the names of four alleged music downloaders to the Recording Industry Association of America, but the music label group--which sued to get the names--isn't sure what it will do with them. Verizon turned over the . . .

Learning to Love Big Brother


DRM: Digital Rights Management. Or, as some prefer to call it, Digital Restrictions Management. Basically, the idea is that the creators, and/or owners, of digital content - a song, a video, a document, even an email - should be able to . . .

Law School Serves Course on Spam


Law students at Chicago's John Marshall Law School are getting a new dose of spam--on their course schedule. The spam serving comes courtesy of John Marshall associate professor David Sorkin, who's offering what he and his peers say may be . . .

Big Brother and The Next 50 Years


Bruce Sterling calls himself an author, a journalist and an editor--and all that is true. But Sterling, who wrote "The Hacker Crackdown," is also a contrarian and a leading cultural critic of modern technology. From his home in Austin, Texas, . . .

Top Secret Case Tests Privacy


An industrial dispute is brewing at the top secret Pine Gap surveillance facility over a security upgrade at the Northern Territory base. An Australian electrician has refused to undergo a high-level security check at the joint United States-Australian facility, in . . .

HIPAA One Step at a Time


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is putting a financial strain on most hospitals these days. It's forcing them to measure and account for data in ways they never had to before. At Baptist Health Care Corp., . . .

E-Marketer Rises Above Spam


With spam a four-letter word among computer users, Eric Obeck, chief operating officer of SendTec Inc., is understandably careful when describing the online marketing campaigns that are the mainstay of his company's business. "We're way above the bar when it . . .

Spam Blockers May Wreak E-mail Havoc


Here's an unhappy prediction: The explosion of spam-blocking technology could herald the death of much legitimate e-mail. I wrote about patents relating to this technology, known as challenge-response technology, last week. Basically, when your mailbox is protected by a challenge-response . . .

A Spy Machine of Darpa's Dreams


It's a memory aid! A robotic assistant! An epidemic detector! An all-seeing, ultra-intrusive spying program! The Pentagon is about to embark on a stunningly ambitious research project designed to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person's life, index . . .

In Matters of Privacy, Whom Can You Trust?


Trust must be earned. This hard lesson is being learned by the five tech giants behind "trusted-computing" initiatives aimed at securing user privacy. Depending on whom you believe, the companies developing trusted-computing technology are either Santa or Satan. . .