Server Security - Page 32
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
Companies are increasingly considering their security as world events cast doubt on their ability to deal with natural disaster, human error or malicious attack. Spending on security has reached record levels, and continues to climb as businesses seek to reassure shareholders . . .
Too many companies think they have disaster recovery measures in place, when in reality no one really knows whether they will work or how to implement them. The problem is that no one person is given the responsibility for disaster recovery, and therefore there is often no follow through.. . .
The open-source project for secure communications technology, known as OpenSSH, plugged a second security hole on Tuesday that affects only users who have turned off a critical security feature.. . .
Kerberos is a network authentication system that can help solve those two issues. It reduces the number of passwords each user has to memorize to use an entire network to one the Kerberos password. In addition, Kerberos incorporates encryption and message integrity to solve the second issue, ensuring that sensitive authentication data is never sent over the network in the clear.. . .
It's become a busy week for *Nix sysadmins with the release of patches over the last few days to resolve vulnerabilities with popular applications including Sendmail, openSSH and DB2.. . .
In recent weeks, high-profile arrests of hackers and malware authors have trained a spotlight on the sometimes-shadowy underworld of computer crime. The Internet may seem like a more dangerous place than ever before, but Web security administrators can greatly reduce the . . .
We can build our fortress with towering fifty-foot high, four-foot thick walls. We can build a moat thirty feet wide to surround those walls. And we can even man the castellation with the finest archers. But all will be for naught . . .
Linux, not Microsoft Windows, remains the most-attacked operating system, a British security company reports. During August, 67 per cent of all successful and verifiable digital attacks against on-line servers targeted Linux, followed by Microsoft Windows at 23.2 per cent. A total . . .
One of the more recent evolutions in network security has been the movement away from protecting the perimeter of the network to protecting data at the source. The reason behind this change has been that perimeter security no longer works in . . .
Nothing says there's a hole in your security like someone walking off with your servers. You could spend millions of dollars on access lists, firewalls, USB tokens, virus scanners, VPNs, passwords and patches to secure your network from online invasions, but . . .
Those familiar with Java recognize the security concept of a sandbox. For those that aren't, it's the concept that everyone gets a unique, well-equipped sandbox to play in, and a person in one sandbox isn't allowed into anyone else's sandbox, not even to share anything with anyone else.. . .
MySQL is one of the most popular databases on the Internet and it is often used in conjunction with PHP. Besides its undoubted advantages such as easy of use and relatively high performance, MySQL offers simple but very effective security mechanisms.. . .
When the lights went out in Gotham on Thursday afternoon, Jim Simmons got busy. He's the CEO for availability systems at SunGard Data Systems (SDS ). Headquartered in Wayne, Pa., SunGard helps companies survive disasters. That means providing services ranging from . . .
In the first installment of this series we introduced the reader to web application security issues and stressed the significance of input validation. In the second installment, several categories of web application vulnerabilities were discussed and methods for locating these vulnerabilities . . .
Lance Spitzner submits If there's any way you could could contribute, I'd really appreciate this. I set up a very simple visit-to-fingerprint page to gather p0f signatures for the new version (which is getting more and more interesting, I . . .
Unix permissions are flexible and can solve almost any access control problem, but what about the ones they can't? Do you really want to make a group every time you want to share a file with another user? Perhaps you don't . . .
There is no questioning the need for identity management solutions to protect enterprise assets, enhance corporate governance, facilitate compliance with privacy regulations and more. Yet, according to some experts, a sizable portion of the corporate world has yet to fully embrace . . .
Well, well, well. You have installed the latest Linux distribution and stopped all unnecessary services. You also set-up a set of Netfilter rules that would make the Pentagon Security Department envy you. You drool with delight. But. . .
Although some advancement was made in the field of active operating system fingerprinting in the recent years, still, there are many issues to resolve. This paper presents the enhancements made with Xprobe2 v0.2 RC1 and discusses the tool's future development. Both . . .
Declaring hidden malware to be "a growing threat," the National Security Agency's cybersecurity chief is calling on Congress to fund a new National Software Assurance Center dedicated to developing advanced techniques for detecting backdoors and logic bombs in large software applications. . . .