Server Security - Page 33

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LDAP Injection


This a paper about how a hacker uses LDAP Injection to Steal Your Data and Bypass authentication. It's as simple as placing additional LDAP Query commands into input fields in Web Form or Query strings allowing hackers complete access to . . .

Services from a SecurityPoint of View


A network intruder will look for security weaknesses at every point in your network architecture. If you have adequately locked down the Physical, Data Link, Network, and Transport layers of your network, the wily hacker will simply move up to those . . .

Large Scale Samba Installations


One of Samba's strengths is you can use it to blend your mix of Windows and Linux machines without needing a separate Windows NT/2000 Server. In this article, we describe some recommended methods for accomplishing a large scale Samba installation. Our . . .

Detecting SQL Injection in Oracle


Last year I wrote a two-part paper about SQL Injection and Oracle. That paper explored which SQL injection techniques are possible with Oracle, gave some simple examples on how SQL injection works and some suggestions on how to prevent attackers and . . .

Basic Hardening Linux


Linux is capable of high-end security; however, the out-of-the-box configurations must be altered to meet the security needs of most businesses with an Internet presence.This article shows you the steps for securing a Linux system called hardening the server using both . . .

Linux/Unix Viruses Demand Special Attention


I'm not sure why they became so complacent in their analysis of these threats, particularly since the first major worm, launched in 1988 by Robert Morris, was released on Unix systems that used the well-known Sendmail messaging program. I guess everyone . . .

Securing PHP: Step by Step


In my previous article ("Securing Apache: Step-by-Step") I described the method of securing the Apache web server against unauthorized access from the Internet. Thanks to the described method it was possible to achieve a high level of security, but only when . . .

Penetration Testing for Web Applications


This is the first in a series of three articles on penetration testing for Web applications. The first installment provides the penetration tester with an overview of Web applications - how they work, how they interact with users, and most importantly . . .

Postfix with SASL Authentication over TLS


In today's internet there is a lot of spam, forged mails and people who make use of this. It is importatnt to be secure, secure your users and the rest of the community from your users as well. It's better to be secure than to be sorry if an accident happens.. . .

Reality Check: How Safe Is Linux?


Guardian Digital's EnGarde Secure Linux in the news. "Many of the programs included in Linux distros have programming errors that lead to things like privilege escalation, whereby a common user tricks a program into thinking it has more privileges than it does, says Guardian Digital CEO Dave Wreski.. . .

Improving Sendmail Security by Turning It Off


The Sendmail buffer overflow exploit announced in March will almost certainly be programmed into an automated worm within the next six months. Such a worm could do for UNIX systems what Code Red did to the Windows world -- simply because there are so many potentially vulnerable UNIX systems on the network today. . . .

PHP 4.3.2: Fixes Several Security Vulnerabilities


After a lengthy QA process, PHP 4.3.2 is finally out! This maintenance release solves a lot of bugs found in earlier PHP versions and is a *strongly* recommended upgrade for all PHP users. Fixes several potentially hazardous integer and buffer overflows. LinuxSecurity will track vendor advisories and post them as vendors submit them.. . .

Apache 2.0 denial of service


Apache 2.0 versions 2.0.37 through 2.0.45 can be caused to crash in certain circumstances. This can be triggered remotely through mod_dav and possibly other mechanisms. The crash was originally reported by David Endler <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> and was researched and fixed by Joe Orton <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. . .

Patching Apache


The Apache Web server basks in the admiration of commercial software distributors and customers alike. According to a May 2003 survey by Netcraft, about 63 percent of all Internet sites are powered by Apache. Indeed, its open-source model seems destined to become the darling of commodity software markets. . .

Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC


This document describes how to setup a spam-blocking email gateway based on open source and freely available software. This procedure is designed for a small to medium sized company with a single domain (multiple domains are possible...just not described here). I will describe how to setup a new computer that is meant to run on your network's DMZ in between the Internet and a corporate email server like Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange.. . .

EnGarde Secure Linux Community Edition released


Guardian Digital announced the next generation of the award-winning EnGarde Secure Linux Community Edition. Leveraging the best open source applications available, combined with the security expertise from Guardian Digital, EnGarde is a comprehensive platform for developing a secure Internet presence.. . .