Server Security - Page 31
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
The Linux server market is expected to grow by 35% from last year, according to research firm IDC. Many of these Linux systems are replacing Unix in corporations looking to reduce IT costs. However, at the same time, there are more attacks on Linux than ever before. So, if you're considering a migration from your Unix systems to Linux, it's important to keep security in mind.. . .
We used to have simple web sites. The web server sent HTML to the browser which displayed it. This was a "brochureware" site; designed for marketing or advertising. There was no business data anywhere near the web site. . .
With over 10 years experience of defending against Internet Security threats, Tom Salkield, Managing Director of NetConnect, has seen it all. NetConnect, part of Netstore plc, is one of founders of the UK Internet Security industry, and Tom has dealt with . . .
This paper is about using Nessus to scan Windows networks and various scenarios one might encounter. It does not talk about running Nessus from a Windows machine but on a Windows machine or network. In other words, Windows computers are targets. . .
Companies should take the proprietary route to provide security for web services-based transactions over the next three years, according to analysts. In a research paper, Security Pattern Standards Face a Long Road to Maturity, analyst Gartner advises firms to rely on vendor-provided technology to provide security for web services-based transactions until 2006. . .
Only 3 percent of Web servers running the open-source version of a secure communications component, OpenSSL, may be using the latest, bug-free software, according to a recent survey by Internet watcher NetCraft. The OpenSSL secure sockets layer software allows servers to . . .
Red Hat Inc's Enterprise Linux 4 will feature far greater support for security policy and process management, thanks to work emerging from the US Government's National Security Agency, ComputerWire has learned.. . .
Many security professionals find themselves saddled with the job of ridding their companies of spam. Regardless of whether spam is a security issue, tackling the problem is a good way for security pros to wow management. "There are very few . . .
This is the second part of our interview with two UK hackers dryice and frixion who were implicated in testimony during a recent trial over a denial of service attack on one of the largest ports in the US. Here they . . .
Linux cannot hold a candle to Microsoft in the fight for OS space yet, but it is gaining popularity among enterprises because of its low cost and support from governments. According to IDC, paid shipments of Linux server operating environments captured . . .
Today news sites repeated the monthly Microsoft execute says "Linux is insecure" articles. And while they are comparing apples with eggs (as Linux distributions ship with far more servers and network services than Microsoft offers), it's hard to deny the fact . . .
As more and more attacks are being carried out over the HTTP layer there is a growing need to push the envelope and bring Web security to new levels. Most existing tools work on the TCP/IP level, failing to use the . . .
ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications. It operates embedded into the web server, acting as a powerful umbrella - shielding applications from attacks. ModSecurity supports Apache (both branches) today, with support for Java-based servers coming soon.. . .
When it comes to personal information, the delete key isn't enough, say computer investigators at New Technologies Armor.. . .
The survey, conducted by Evans Data Corp., Santa Cruz, Calif., showed that developers view Linux as "the most innately secure operating system. In fact, the percentage of developers who said so increased to 23 percent, up from 19 percent six months . . .
Is Linux built more securely than Windows? According to a new survey, Windows and Linux developers both say yes--and for the first time, ranked it ahead of Windows XP.. . .
Everything you do with Linux involves files in one way or another. You launch programs from files, read program configurations in files, store data in files, deliver files to clients via servers, and so on. Therefore, the tools Linux provides for . . .
SQL Injection can deliver total control of your server to an attacker giving them the ability to read, write and manipulate all data stored in your backend systems. Despite being remarkably simple to protect against, there are an astonishing number of . . .
No one doubts that computers have made businesses more fast-paced, efficient and flexible. The clerks of Dickens' day, laboriously entering facts and figures into ledgers, are long gone. The 20th century's legions of secretaries armed with typewriters, carbon paper and filing . . .
The forthcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3 suite will include a new feature to thwart worms and hackers. The news arrives as the security of open-source systems comes under increased scrutiny.. . .