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Security researchers break out of Apple's sandbox


Researchers claim to have discovered a vulnerability with the sandbox security mechanism used by Apple. The sandbox, which is baked into the kernel of Mac OS X, is designed to apply application restrictions, so that code that has no reason to access a network isn't able to access a corporate LAN or the internet, for example.

Snort 2.9.1 improves protocol handling


The Snort network intrusion detection system has been updated with HTTP and DCE/RPC protocol aware flushing and improved SIP, POP and IMAP3 preprocessors. Updates to the HTTP and DCE/RPC preprocessors now allow Snort to reassemble requests and responses, even when spread over many packets, and to intelligently flush the results.

Twitter adds SSL security


I was sitting in a local coffee shop recently and, since I was bored, I kicked on a Windows instance in VirtualBox on my Mint Linux-powered laptop so I could run Firesheep. Firesheep was, and is, a hacking program meant to frighten people into being serious about their Wi-Fi security. It didn

PHP 5.3.8 fixes cryptographic function bug


As expected, the PHP developers have issued version 5.3.8 of the PHP scripting language to address a serious bug found in the previous release. PHP 5.3.8 fixes a bug introduced by the 5.3.7 security update that caused the crypt() function to fail if an MD5 salt was given as an argument. The function is used to hash a string, typically a password, but instead of returning the hashed string, the function merely returned the salt itself.

10 Linux Server Distros That Could Save You a Bundle


Businesses require reliability, stability and compatibility. It's no wonder business owners prefer to stick with the status quo: It's what works for them. Those entrepreneurs who take the time to research the possibilities outside that status quo find a treasure trove of free and low-cost alternatives. When it comes to software, Linux is at the top of that list. With more than 100 complete distributions from which to choose, Linux is far from a single entity.

Security researchers hack Google


When Google first started talking about its Google Chrome OS software a few years ago, one of the selling points was the promise that it would come with much better built-in security than other operating systems. Now, Chrome OS has only been commercially available for a few months, and security researchers have already figured out how to hack it.

Oracle buys runtime kernel patcher Ksplice


Oracle has bought the Ksplice company which offers services and technology for correcting vulnerabilities and errors in the Linux kernel on the fly. Oracle plans to incorporate the technology into its Unbreakable Linux kernel, as used by its "Unbreakable Linux", and expects this to increase the operating system's reliability, security and availability.