Linux Network Security - Page 70

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Smurf attacks - don't be a victim


Smurf attacks can be devastating, both to the victim network and to the network(s) used to amplify the attack. An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Smurf attack is a brute-force attack on the direct broadcast feature that is built in to . . .

MailScanner Mail Gateway Filter


MailScanner is a virus scanner for e-mail designed for use on e-mail gateways. It can also detect a large proportion of unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) passing through it. Not only can it scan for known viruses, but it can also protect . . .

Securing Air (Wireless Security)


He brought along a laptop loaded with a wireless Ethernet card and NetStumbler, a shareware sniffer for wireless networks. Once NetStumbler detects an 802.11 connection, it logs the MAC address of the access point along with the network name, SSID, manufacturer and various data about the signal. The software also logs whether WEP is enabled, though it doesn't attempt to crack WEP-encoded packets.. . .

Escape from data Alcatraz


"There are two ways to attack a data centre very quickly," says Richard Brown solemnly, as he leads the way through the dead mans zone. "The first is to kill the power, and the second is to attack the air conditioning." . . .

Security consultant finds plenty of holes to plug


Cruising about the Twin Cities, with his wireless laptop on the seat next to him, Brad Rubin can see one business opportunity after another pop up on his computer screen. His laptop, hooked to a homemade antenna housed in a Pringles can, runs sniffer software that detects wireless networks, even those people have tried to hide.. . .

VNC, Securely: Part 2


This article will use Linux computers as both the clients and the server. We will concentrate on using the VNC client called vncviewer and the OpenSSH implementation of the SSH Secure Shell protocol. As per the first article, we have . . .

Wireless Security Isn't Secure


You would have to be living in a cave not to have heard about the problems with wireless security for networking. Even as more organizations (and homes) take advantage of wireless networking, we hear about "war driving" and that the security features were poorly designed.. . .

DoS attacks could soon meet their match


Denial of service (DoS) attacks, the scourge of the internet, and an effectively unstoppable menace, may soon meet their match. A security team based at the Southern California Information Sciences Institute (ISI), has developed a system to combat the DoS threat. . . .

monitord: network security monitor


A lightweight (distributed?) network security monitor for TCP/IP+Ethernet LANs. It will capture certain network events and record them in a relational database. The recorded data will be available for analysis through a CGI based interface. . . .

Wireless LAN security fix proposed


Network managers worried about the security of their wireless LANs may soon be able to sleep a little easier. The standards committee responsible for the broken wireless LAN encryption algorithm, Wired Equivalent Protocol, has approved a fix to the system which . . .

Is Linux Immune to E-Mail Viruses?


Some of the recent press regarding the "Goner" e-mail virus has brought about interesting commentary from antivirus manufacturers. It seems that a number of these folks feel that Linux viruses soon will be rampaging through the Internet alongside their Windows brethren. . . .

Setting up a VPN Gateway


How to install and run an IPSec-based VPN gateway with a firewall using a single bootable Linux diskettedistribution. A virtual private network (VPN) is a tool that enables the secure transmission of data over untrusted networks such as the Internet. . . .

Ten Days to Network Security


This August 2001 article answers the questions, "What would you do if you were given ten days to secure your network?" You're a new LAN administrator and you been given the charge of "securing" the network. What would be the most . . .

Swatting Persistent Security Pests


Bloodsuckers swarm the Internet too, and three in particular bite networkers again and again: wireless vulnerabilities, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and worms. These threats persist for several reasons, including an abundance of automated attack tools, egregious technology failures, and sometimes . . .

Telecommuting: Keeping Data Safe and Secure


With the increased availability of broadband access and VPNs, telecommuting is more viable for many workers. But with this new opportunity comes new risks. While telecommuting is an advantage for employees, making sure they adhere to security policies can be a . . .

Common sense key to beating hackers


Today's wireless local area network (Lan) investigation highlights common problems with all IT security. Computing spoke to a panel of experts about the key issues when it comes to protecting your company network and data. Are wireless networks safe? Yes, if . . .