Linux Network Security - Page 73

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Network Sniffers


Sniffers are tools, also known as network analyzers, used for monitoring network traffic. As such, if used by authorized personnel, can prove to be of a great value. But, on the other hand, sniffers represent significant threat to your network, and . . .

Flaw gives hackers key to Unix computers


A flaw in widely used Unix software could allow attackers to gain control over computers running Solaris, HP-UX and several versions of Linux, security analysts and the company selling the software warned Monday. SSH Communications Security, a Finnish company, reported Monday . . .

Save your wireless networks from hackers


Security managers need to be aware of the inherent weaknesses in wireless technology, which although similar to those in wired networking, add a few more headaches. According to security professionals, the IEEE wireless protocol 802.11 not only shares unlicensed frequencies with . . .

Flaws in Wireless Security Detailed


A cryptologist who discovered several gaping holes in the international standard governing the design of wireless network devices and the encryption algorithm meant to protect those networks last week detailed vulnerabilities that could be leaving corporate systems open to hackers.. . .

IBM develops wireless LAN security analyzer


The research arm of IBM Corp. has a software tool under development to identify wireless LAN nodes that are vulnerable to a sneak attack by hackers, the company announced Thursday. Prototyped on a Linux-based wireless personal digital assistant (PDA), the device . . .

Exorcise FTP, Telenet And Other Evil Daemons


Telnet and ftp send passwords over the network in clear text that can be easily sniffed. You should replace them with more modern tools such as ssh and scp. SSLtelnet/SSLftp are also available but do not seem to be in such wide use.. . .

Removing the Dot in


Halting Denials of service attacks a quick and dirty primer on settings and commands to stop or slow down most Denial of Service attacks when your under the gun. Some of the commands were gathered around the net others I have implemented and tested along the way in the midst of attacks as well as in labs. . . .

TCP session hijacking: A primer


Session hijacking. What a powerful name. For me personally, the name conjures up mental pictures of airplanes with masked gunmen and bomb-laden buses. In actuality, session hijacking is far less physically dangerous and way more financially rewarding. The risk . . .

How to stay in front of VPN management


As companies build larger and larger VPNs, they are faced with a chore that grows with the networks: effective management. It's an important issue to pay attention to because a good VPN management platform is not just a matter of convenience . . .

ISS: Remote Buffer Overflow in Multiple RADIUS Implementations


ISS X-Force has discovered buffer overflow vulnerabilities in two popular Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server (RADIUS) implementations. RADIUS was originally designed to manage user authentication into dial-up terminal servers and similar devices. It has since been used as a standard for access control and user authentication for numerous Internet infrastructure devices, including routers, switches, and 802.11 Wireless Access Points. . . .

Kerberos: Computer Security's Hellhound


Kerberos is an authentication protocol that lets clients and servers reliably verify each other's identity before establishing a network connection. Developed at MIT in the late 1980s, Kerberos takes its name from the three-headed hound in Greek mythology that guards the entrance to Hades. But instead of guarding the underworld, today's Kerberos brings a measure of security to a distributed computer environment, where one computer can access the resources of any other machine on a network.. . .

Your Network's Secret Life


You may already be quite familiar with a tool in your system called top that we discussed on this very corner back in our Tweaking Tux series. What top does is provide a graphical (ncurses-based) interface to your system's performance, load . . .

Companies Confront Rising Network Threats


Every morning, Gregor Bailar, executive vice president of operations and technology and CIO of NASDAQ, pores over the previous day's security report. "We have hundreds of different types of hacking and other security attempts in any given week," he says. . . .

A Matter of Power


Networks dominate today's computing landscape and commercial technical protection is lagging behind attack technology. As a result, protection program success depends more on prudent management decisions than on the selection of technical safeguards. Managing Network Security takes a management view of protection and seeks to reconcile the need for security with the limitations of technology. . . .

Linux IPv6 Router/Host ie. "Set Up IPv6 in an Hour"


Pekka Savola has announced an IPv6 project that he's working on that allows you to configure Red Hat to test and configure IPv6. "There are two "products", Linux IPv6 Router and IPv6 Workstation. The installation and the configuration of either is very easy and should not take longer than 1 hour, tops. The default installation is very secure. . . .

Dress Your E-Security in Layers


What to do? Well, you could try an old-fashioned layering approach that was used by fortress builders. According to a new white paper on e-commerce security entitled "An Electronic Citadel -- A Method for Securing Credit Card and Private Consumer Data . . .

Learning with nmap


Why are scanners so important for the security of networks?. Basically because they are essential tools for those who want to attack a system. There are several scanning tools for this purpose, but the article will look at nmap only. Nmap is among the most complete scanners and security tools.. . .

Wireless LANs: Security Risk?


Wireless LAN products are becoming increasingly popular, with a growing number of companies implementing them to extend their LANs. Many IT administrators wonder if wireless LAN access pose a new type of security risk. In fact, most WLAN products now have . . .

Startups aim to prevent DoS attacks


With more than $100m in venture funding, four startups aim to combat denial of service (DoS) network attacks, which by some estimates total more than 4000 a week. Arbor Networks, Asta Networks, Lancope Technologies and Mazu Networks are attempting to automate . . .