Organizations/Events - Page 20

Discover Organizations/Events News

Cyber front has favorable bytes


In a post-9/11 world, even the computers that run the Olympics have color-coded warnings for threats. "Green is good. Red is very bad," says Jean Chevallier, executive vice president of Atos Origin, Paris-based head of the Games' $400 million information system. In between are yellow (mild) and orange (more alarming). Halfway through the Athens Olympics, the worst anyone has seen here is "a light yellow," Chevallier says. . . .

Hack . . . hack back . . . repeat


Capture the flag might be only a game, but it was serious business at DefCon, the world's largest annual computer hacker convention. For 36 straight hours, eight teams of experienced hackers and serious security professionals played predator and prey as they tried to hack into competitors' networks while defending their own. . . .

Hacking the planet


In the truest sense, hacking is not an act; rather, it is a viewpoint, a set of tools for thinking about how to interact with systems. The late Judith Milhon, one of the first female hackers ever, defined hacking as "the clever circumvention of imposed limits." The early hackers at MIT and Stanford had limited access to the huge, expensive mainframes on which they worked, and so they devised clever and exotic ways both to gain more time and make their programming time more efficient. . . .

For Hackers, Shop Talk, a Warning and Advice


Stephen Wozniak, a founder of Apple Computer, was speaking to the choir Saturday at a conference in Midtown Manhattan, recalling an era when the word "hackers" referred to technological wizards, not rogue computer users... Mr. Wozniak described his relationship with John T. Draper, a man who became known as "Captain Crunch" 35 years ago when he showed how a plastic whistle that came in Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes could be used to manipulate the national phone system. . . .

ISECOM 2004 - Forum and Exhibition


ISECOM, is hosting a forum and exhibition on October 16, 2004 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, as part of their security event specifically for open source developers, thinkers, creators, and drivers of privacy and security. Details are available on the ISESTORM website . . .

LayerOne Hacking Exposed


THG regularly covers LAN Parties, during which gamers drink, socialize and, of course, play games. However, hackers and other technology professionals have also been doing this for several years at conventions such as Defcon, Toorcon and more recently at (LayerOne) the first annual LayerOne conference June 12-13 at the Westin Hotel near the Los Angeles International Airport. . . .

DefCon 12 WarDriving Contest Registration Now Open


Registration for the DefCon 12 WarDriving Contest is now open. For the first time ever the Def Con WarDriving contest will be divided into two parts. A "Main Drive" that will run for the entire three days and four "Mini-Games" that allow contestants that would like to participate but do not want to invest the entire Con in WarDriving. . . .

Announcing the Fourth WorldWide WarDrive (WWWD)


The WWWD provides a snapshot of the security posture of currently deployed wireless access points throughout the world. During the Third WorldWide WarDrive, which took place in July 2003, over 88,000 unique access points were discovered worldwide. The statistics compiled for the WWWD have become the defacto standard for statistics used by many media outlets and wireless security vendors to further generate public awareness of wireless security issues. . . .

Infosecurity Europe 2004


Infosecurity Europe 2004 opens its doors to over 10,000 buyers and sellers in IT Security. Infosecurity Europe provides the ultimate forum for sourcing opportunities, information updates and free educational forums, tackling the key technology issues set to affect your business . . .

Cyber-Security Firms Circle the Wagons


The new Cyber Security Industry Alliance could benefit from greater cross-industry cooperation, says Giga Group security analyst Michael Rasmussen. "Otherwise this could be one more voice in the wilderness." . . .

DallasCon Network Security Boot Camp


April 27-30 , 2004 - 4 Days of Intense Hands-on Network and Wireless Security Training by Renowned Experts. Come to Dallas 4-Days prior to DallasCon 2004 and take part in this intense two-part, hands-on training developed to teach you the ins and outs of securing your Web-Enabled Services and Wireless Networks. In today's world, hacking and cyber attacks are becoming more common as tools to achieve them are more available and easier to use by hackers. . . .

Infosecurity conference focuses on mobility


Scott Yelich, a Unix administrator at a large Wall Street investment banking firm, attended the exhibition to search for Unix and Linux security products. But he was also looking for technology that secures mobile devices, he said. Holding out his . . .

Debian Investigation Report


The Debian administration team and security experts are finally able to pinpoint the method used to break-in into four project machines. However, the person who did this has not yet been uncovered.. . .

New SC-L email discussion forum


I would like to announce the availability of a new and free resource to the software security community, the SC-L email discussion forum. The moderated forum is open to the public. The group's purpose is, "to further the state of the practice of developing secure software, by providing a free and open, objectively moderated, forum for the discussion of issues related to secure coding practices throughout a software development lifecycle process (including architecture, requirements and specifications, design, implementation, deployment, and operations).". . .

Security expert proposes hackers' union


A proposal to create an association to represent the interests of hackers and vulnerability researchers is gaining support, a security expert said Wednesday. The group, which would be geared toward researchers and not software vendors, would provide guidelines on vulnerability disclosures . . .

Security: From Theory to Practice


The Secure Trusted Operating System Consortium (STOS) announced Friday the keynote speakers for its fifth annual symposium to be held December 1-5, 2003 at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Anyone involved in securing Mac OS X or BSD systems or . . .

Security spec gets an upgrade, broader backing


The Trusted Computing Group passed a milestone in its efforts to improve computer security this week, announcing a key update of its specification. The update comes as the TCG adds Sun Microsystems Inc. to its membership and forms a new working . . .

Clarify security ROI, experts urge


Companies will have to change the way they sell security products, analysts have advised. The security-selling problem stems from IT staff and management executives holding different views on what constitutes a return on investment (ROI).. . .

Knowledge Center: Four ways to secure your company on a shoestring budget


If your company lacks the basics--antivirus software, firewalls and other basics--then your organization is in serious trouble. The only way you can survive in this situation is if you are not connected to the outside world at all. If you are in this unfortunate situation and can't convince your senior management of the extreme danger of this position, then I'd suggest you polish your resume, hone your skills and start packing.. . .

The State of Information Security


The best place to start is with what "The State of Information Security 2003" survey doesn't include. It doesn't include some stark bit of data that will make you slap your forehead and exclaim, "Oh, that's the problem!" It doesn't include figures that suggest a secret formula for setting a security budget.. . .